Hemstitch ärm blus
En ljus blus, stickad i två glada färger.
storlek: 38/40 (42/44) 46/48;
Nödvändigt material:
300 (350) 400g rosa tråd och 200 (250) 250 g orange laguntråd (80% viskos, 20% siden, 77 m/50 g);
Raka och runda stickor nr.5.
Stickad täthet: 16,5 stygn x 27 rader = 10 x 10 cm;
Ström: med rosa tråd är monterad på nål 95 (103) 111 stygn och sticka första raden bak med alla stygn fram. Denna rad kommer inte att beaktas. Därefter stickas det enligt följande:: 1 kantsöm, 35 (39) 43 stygn tillbaka tröja (I de främre raderna stickas stygnen tillbaka, I de bakre raderna – stygnen stickas fram), 23 stygnmönster från schema 1, 35 (39) 43 stygn tillbaka tröja, 1 kantsöm.
Efter varje 14 stickade rader ändras trådens färg. Den första stickraden med tråden bytt blir främre raden och stickas med alla stygn fram.
Dupa 41,5 cm = 112 randuri (44,5 cm = 120 randuri) 47,5 cm = 128 randuri tricotate, pentru linia umerilor se inchid din ambele parti 4 (5) 6 ochiuri si in fiecare al 2-lea rand 5 х 4 ochiuri (3 х 5 si 2 х 4 ochiuri) 5 х 5 ochiuri.
Samtidigt, dupa 43,5 cm = 118 randuri (46,5 cm = 126 randuri) 49,5 cm = 134 randuri tricotate de la primul rand, pentru rascroiala gatului se inchid 29 ochiuri din centru si fiecare parte se va tricota separat.
För avrundning av halsringningen, in fiecare al 2-lea rand se vor inchide dinspre ochiurile centrale 1 х 3 ochiuri si 1 х 2 ochiuri.
Dupa 46 cm = 124 randuri (49 cm = 132 randuri) 52 cm = 140 randuri de la primul rand se inchid cele 4 (4) 5 ochiuri ramase pentru umar.
Faţa: Se va tricota ca si partea spate cu exceptia rascroielii gatului.
Dupa 37 cm = 100 randuri (40 cm = 108 randuri) 43 cm = 116 randuri de la primul rand se inchid 17 ochiuri din centru si in fiecare al 2-lea rand , dinspre rascroiala gatului se vor inchide 1 х 3 ochiuri, 2 х 2ochiuri si 4 х 1 ochi.
Ärm: Se va tricota cu fir roz. Se monteaza pe andrea 42 (50) 58 ochiuri si se tricoteaza primul rand dos cu toate ochiurile faţă. In continuare se va tricota modelul ajur din schema nr.2. In schema nr.2 sunt prezentate randurile faţă si dos. Randul incepe cu 1 ochi de margine, se repeta raportul si se sfarseste cu 1 ochi de margine. Upprepa rad 1-4.
In fiecare al 6-lea rand si al 8-lea rand, in mod alternativ, se vor adauga din ambele parti 5 x 1 ochi = 52 (60) 68 ochiuri. Ochiurile adugate se vor include in tricotarea modelului.
Dupa 21 cm = 46 randuri de la primul rand, alla ögon stängs.
efterbehandling: Se realizeaza cusaturile detaliilor. Från kanten av halsen, pe andrele circulare se monteaza cu fir roz 80 ochiuri si se tricoteaza 3 randuri circulare cu ochiuri faţă, dupa care ochiurile se vor inchide lejer.
Hej, I started knitting this blouse, I really like it a lot, but I am confused about instructions for knitting the shoulder line and the neckline. When you say to close in every 2nd row 5×4 stitches, does that mean that I should close 5 stitches in every 2nd row for 4 rows, or 4 stitches in every 2nd row for 5 rows? So, which of the two numbers stand for the number of stitches and which for the number of rows? I hope that you can understand my question, I am really new to knitting, and this is my first big project.
Also, when you say to \”close those 4(4)5 remaining stitches for the shoulder\”, does that mean that on both sides I should have only 5 stitches left, after all the shaping?
I would really appreciate it if you could answer my questions. Thank you very much in advance, and thank you for the wonderful pattern.
Hej! I’m glad that my website is helpful to you. I’ll try to answer your questions.
1. For knitting the shoulder line and neckline you must bind off in every second row 5×4 stitches. Every second row means the row on the right side, so you must bind off, 4 stitches each on both sides as follows: in the second row = 8 stiches bind off (4 stitches at the beginning of the row and 4 stitches at the end of the row), in the fourth row – 8 stitches, in the sixth row = 8 stitches, in the eighth row = 8 stitches, in the tenth row = 8 stiches.
2.Yes, you should have 5 stitches left each shoulder, after all the shaping.
If you have any questions I will be happy to help you. Ledsen för min engelska. Have a nice day!
Tack! Your answer really helped me. Thanks a lot 🙂