the models are beautiful, but I can't make out the V signs,U,arrow
bravo. I would also like some models of crocheted hats(but more detailed for work)sialte models
The images are very large and do not actually fit on the page (does not fit the size of the site)
To view them at their actual size (they are big, not just what is seen) proceed as follows:
– Hover your mouse over the image (just be with him in the picture)
– Click right din mouse
– On the menu that appears (a menu appears) Dates:
– Open link in new tab
The image will open in a separate page, BUT to its real size (with a simple click on it, it will increase how big it is, not as much as is allowed here, and they will see all the details)
To this, your post about the crochet patterns is interesting, but not all of them are?! so he wants to see some more modern models, and these are beautiful, but I expected there to be more.
very interesting and beautiful models…I would like to try them, but I'm at the beginning of knitting and I'm not very good at it…if you could tell me the signs it would be perfect….thank you in advance and I await your reply…many kisses
To this, Alina!
You can find the description of the signs on page 27.
You can also find useful information in the article “Conventional marks used in knitting” - see the link
on the last page you have explanations for all the signs
the models are beautiful, but I can't make out the V signs,U,arrow
bravo. I would also like some models of crocheted hats(but more detailed for work)sialte models
I lingered a little on this site, it's great. Thank you Nina(cred?)
Thanks a lot for the patterns !
They are wonderful models and very helpful,thanks
to this,I need help too,I found a knitted saddle pattern and in the diagram I found the sign “and” how to work?
simple “o” it's jeteu but “and” I haven't found any explanation, there is nothing between them
oo = double jet.
But pay attention to the model. In some cases, both jets are knitted, and in others a jeteu is left from the andrea.
you can send to enigma261078 @
thank you very much,but I think I can't handle it. I would like to send you the model so you can see it because I'm not very good at it, tell me how I can or better said where to send it to you. Thank you
To this, I had a question about the threads used. I would like to make a bolero using an airy pattern like the one in the middle on page 8. Also, being a bolero, it doesn't have to be warm. Can you help me a little with what kind of threads to choose?
wonderful. whoever came up with the idea is a genius. congratulations.
multumesc din suflet pentru cele 78 de modele de tricotat; la fel si pentru explicatiile in parte la caciulite si rochite 🙂 e cel mai bun site pe care l-am gasit despre tricotaje. esti extraordinara .
And, este un site foarte bun pentru modele – eu caut de ceva timp – asta dupa parerea mea este complet pentru tehnica de lucru – mai caut si niste fotografii cu bluze, saluri, caciuli, plovore, etc deja realizate, ca o sursa de inspiratie – oricum, multumesc pentru acest site.
As dori sa publicati, daca aveti si modele de tricotaje in doua sau mai multie culori. Am si eu cateva si am putea face schimb.
Buna ziua.Sint de la SC Genmiree SRL bacau.Detinem situlhttp://www.genmiree.ronumai cu fire de tricotat,o gama diversificata.Mi-ar place sa colaboram ,sa postez in situl meu modelele sa fac trimitere la ele la eventualii clienti.
To this,
As dori sa tricotez un fular, am vazut un model simplu care imi place, la prima vedere arata ca un elastic (1 ochi pe fata, unul pe dos), dar nu este asa, este putin mai grasut. Cineva mi-a spus ca se numeste spic de grau si intr-adevar seamana putin. Altcineva mi-a spus ca se lucreaza un ochi pe fata, trei pe dos, dar nici asa nu mi-a iesit si nu a vrut sa imi arate concret 🙁 Ma poti ajuta?
Trimite o imagine sau lasa un link sa vedem despre ce este vorba
Multumesc mult pentru tot ce am gasit pe acest site,sunt o viitoare mamica (adica mai am 3 saptamani) si din lipsa de ocupatie m-am apucat de tricotat…I studied them all, I made sets of hats with tongs,trousers etc….I am still waiting for models with explanations…Kiss
A site of this format was really needed. I remembered how, a long time ago, I used to go to a neighbor and buy models. Acu…. click yes gata! You find everything you want.
CONGRATULATIONS,those who are still working!I also worked a lot over time ,f.mult, but now, due to lack of time and especially for health reasons, I can only do it!When you put soul,everything works out for you,with a lot of patience!
to this,I need help too,I found a knitted saddle pattern and in the diagram I found the sign “and” how to work?
simple “o” it's jeteu but “and” I haven't found any explanation, there is nothing between them
I really like to knit, the patterns are very beautiful, I kept trying to make the pattern with blackberries but it doesn't work out for me years ago I made a jersey but unfortunately I don't have it anymore, if you have the pattern I would be very happy knitwear is worn a lot in ITALY, thank you
I also want to order catalogs or books with crochet and knitting patterns from where I can
I really like all the models and I would like to make them for my daughter
it is wonderful to see that people want to show others what they know.
the presented models are great ,you can make amazing combinations with them.
Hello, Ms. Nina. I want to congratulate you on the wonderful website. When I was young, imi placea tare mult sa tricotez alaturi de mama si bunica mea ( chiar mi-am facut niste lucrusoare 🙂 )Voiam sa va rog, daca se poate ,sa impartasesc acest site pe pagina creata de cateva d-ne romance care traiesc in Egipt. S-ar bucura enorm sa viziteze pagina d-voastra si cred ca le-ar folosi foarte mult. Thank you very much!
Nu e nici o problemă, cu scuzele de rigoare, din păcate, nu prea am timp sa ma ocup nici eu de site cum trebuie. Poate mai apar niște ferestre sa recuperez.
jeteu 0=-iei firul dupa ac sau pe ac
pe ac
Buna.Sunt insarcinata cu o cireasa de iunie, si multumita site-ului dvs micuta mea are parte pana acum de primii botosei si de un cardigan tricotate de mami si desigur realizate dupa indicatiile gasite pe site-ul dvs.Marturisesc ca de tricotat n-am tricotat decat in scoala generala (adica acum 1000 de ani:)) si nestiiind decat baza aveam nevoie de cineva sa-mi explice cum sa fac noi modele, cate ochiuri trebuiesc puse pe andrea, cat de mici/mari sa fie andrelele.Site-ul dvs pot spune ca a tinut locul “bunicii” cu succes.Din pacate ambele mele bunici nu mai tricoteaza(una are Alzheimer, iar cealalta nu mai vede 🙁 ).Deci va multumesc pt oferirea posibilitatii de a-i crea fiicei mele lucrusoare incarcate de iubire.
PS: Mi-as dori daca se poate sa-i tricotez si o paturica frumoasa, am facut una, but with too thick threads and using the classic and I'm not very happy with the result. Thank you.
To this, July! Easy birth and a healthy baby. I also have a 3-year-old girl… another life with a child.
The next article will be the description of a blanket for your little girl. Just tell me how it will be: knitted or crocheted?
To this, thanks for the answer. The rug will be knitted, I still don't know how to crochet :).Thank you again
Thank you for this opportunity to have models and explanations in Romanian.
Thank you very much for the post and explanations. We can collaborate and exchange information about reading diagrams, thread appropriate for a model, me knowing the trocot well.
To the bigger one!
Congratulations! I liked everything I saw, even if I had time, I would do them all. I already have some of them because I've known how to knit since I was 10 years old, which helped me decipher any pattern. Again CONGRATULATIONS and thanks for the suggestions given.
when I start something new, my big dilemma is the model . now
my big dilemma is which model to choose
I have a picture from my childhood of me and my sister dressed in knitted blouses. Unfortunately I didn't keep them.
Now we have children and we would like a picture of them wearing the same model – more out of nostalgia.
Do you know how I can find someone who is talented enough to knit for me?
I kept trying but without success – and it's nothing exaggerated. Plus, the measures are for children aged 5 and 2.5 years, so they would not require a lot of time.
Any information is welcome. Thanks.
To this, July!
Knit hate if the comanda. Email me the picture to see if I can help you with anything.
Schemes contain a number of conventional signs ,which indicates the method of knitting the stitches. In magazines and books we will find other conventional signs,which are explained each time. The group of conventional signs that repeats itself periodically is called a ratio.
If we know the ratio of a model, we will knit correctly and quickly. The schemes are read from bottom to top and from right to left. It is very important to respect the scheme of an article if we want it to be beautiful and of high quality.
what does it mean “twisted eyes” ?
May God reward you !!! I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart and wish you good health and a boost in work !!! with love, Ghe
for the jacket with a bow for girls, I didn't understand why you mentioned markers as necessary materials, what he represents for the model !
you have all the respect from me for what you do!
thank you in advance
Good evening!
Thank you so much for feedback.
I also looked in the article Jacket with a bow, but unfortunately I did not find the word marker in the description.
Can you please send me the link so I can see what the article is about? A nice evening!
I'm a beginner and I don't understand what those symbols on the left side of the image mean. Can you tell me where I can find their explanation?
Thank you.
An excellent day!
At page 27 (ultima) find explanations of the conventional signs used in these schemes.
very interesting for all ages bravo
the models are gorgeous, but not Deslusesc V-sign,she,Arrow
Bravo. I would also like some models of crocheted hats(but more detailed work) Old models
The pictures are bigger, But you have to click on the image and it will open in its true size.
Thank you for your appreciation! (I will put and models of crocheted hats)
Would like a knitting book at home if possible. Thanks.
Unfortunately, I cannot give you the book. You can print the models, you wear them… and the book is ready!
it's not been 2 months since here in Italy I bought a magazine with a good part of these models!!!!!!!exactly the same as the model and the thread it is made of!!!!!!
Congratulations for the site, it's wonderful, it helps me a lot and even explicitly for those who know how to knit
the models are great , beautiful , user friendly , but I can't print except for page 1 or 2. Maybe you can explain to me how to do it ?
I don't understand the explanation for the down arrow.
Good morning, d-by Nina. The models are special! Congratulations! I would like to know if you knit skirts ( I would really like to wear knitted skirts this winter, although my family criticizes me because I don't like long but more midi). Waiting for your reply., with great interest. Thank you very much and good luck in everything you do! Elena
Hello Elena!
I knit patterns for children. In adults it is more difficult with the measurements.
A good day!
ok, thank you very much. Good luck!
what does it mean in aminta the arrow pointing down means jeteu
You have very beautiful models. Congratulations. I want to do something for my niece who is 6 months old , but I am also interested in dress models, caciuli, the jackets, pants, etc. for 1-3 years. Thank you.
Good evening! I try to follow the instructions related to viewing the models (right click…) but the option does not appear”open link in a new tab”.
I would like to see a lace model of the sal,thank you very much!
Hi there,
Absolutley love your designs especially office jumper, but the english translation on the scheme diagram is still in Polish? Please can you give me the English translation of the scheme diagram, Please.
the models are beautiful, but I can't make out the V signs,U,arrow
bravo. I would also like some models of crocheted hats(but more detailed for work)sialte models
The images are very large and do not actually fit on the page (does not fit the size of the site)
To view them at their actual size (they are big, not just what is seen) proceed as follows:
– Hover your mouse over the image (just be with him in the picture)
– Click right din mouse
– On the menu that appears (a menu appears) Dates:
– Open link in new tab
The image will open in a separate page, BUT to its real size (with a simple click on it, it will increase how big it is, not as much as is allowed here, and they will see all the details)
To this, your post about the crochet patterns is interesting, but not all of them are?! so he wants to see some more modern models, and these are beautiful, but I expected there to be more.
very interesting and beautiful models…I would like to try them, but I'm at the beginning of knitting and I'm not very good at it…if you could tell me the signs it would be perfect….thank you in advance and I await your reply…many kisses
To this, Alina!
You can find the description of the signs on page 27.
You can also find useful information in the article “Conventional marks used in knitting” - see the link
on the last page you have explanations for all the signs
the models are beautiful, but I can't make out the V signs,U,arrow
bravo. I would also like some models of crocheted hats(but more detailed for work)sialte models
I lingered a little on this site, it's great. Thank you Nina(cred?)
Thanks a lot for the patterns !
They are wonderful models and very helpful,thanks
to this,I need help too,I found a knitted saddle pattern and in the diagram I found the sign “and” how to work?
simple “o” it's jeteu but “and” I haven't found any explanation, there is nothing between them
oo = double jet.
But pay attention to the model. In some cases, both jets are knitted, and in others a jeteu is left from the andrea.
you can send to enigma261078 @
thank you very much,but I think I can't handle it. I would like to send you the model so you can see it because I'm not very good at it, tell me how I can or better said where to send it to you. Thank you
To this, I had a question about the threads used. I would like to make a bolero using an airy pattern like the one in the middle on page 8. Also, being a bolero, it doesn't have to be warm. Can you help me a little with what kind of threads to choose?
wonderful. whoever came up with the idea is a genius. congratulations.
multumesc din suflet pentru cele 78 de modele de tricotat; la fel si pentru explicatiile in parte la caciulite si rochite 🙂
e cel mai bun site pe care l-am gasit despre tricotaje.
esti extraordinara .
And, este un site foarte bun pentru modele – eu caut de ceva timp – asta dupa parerea mea este complet pentru tehnica de lucru – mai caut si niste fotografii cu bluze, saluri, caciuli, plovore, etc deja realizate, ca o sursa de inspiratie – oricum, multumesc pentru acest site.
As dori sa publicati, daca aveti si modele de tricotaje in doua sau mai multie culori. Am si eu cateva si am putea face schimb.
Buna ziua.Sint de la SC Genmiree SRL bacau.Detinem situl numai cu fire de tricotat,o gama diversificata.Mi-ar place sa colaboram ,sa postez in situl meu modelele sa fac trimitere la ele la eventualii clienti.
To this,
As dori sa tricotez un fular, am vazut un model simplu care imi place, la prima vedere arata ca un elastic (1 ochi pe fata, unul pe dos), dar nu este asa, este putin mai grasut. Cineva mi-a spus ca se numeste spic de grau si intr-adevar seamana putin. Altcineva mi-a spus ca se lucreaza un ochi pe fata, trei pe dos, dar nici asa nu mi-a iesit si nu a vrut sa imi arate concret 🙁 Ma poti ajuta?
Trimite o imagine sau lasa un link sa vedem despre ce este vorba
Multumesc mult pentru tot ce am gasit pe acest site,sunt o viitoare mamica (adica mai am 3 saptamani) si din lipsa de ocupatie m-am apucat de tricotat…I studied them all, I made sets of hats with tongs,trousers etc….I am still waiting for models with explanations…Kiss
A site of this format was really needed. I remembered how, a long time ago, I used to go to a neighbor and buy models. Acu…. click yes gata! You find everything you want.
CONGRATULATIONS,those who are still working!I also worked a lot over time ,f.mult, but now, due to lack of time and especially for health reasons, I can only do it!When you put soul,everything works out for you,with a lot of patience!
you can also tell me what a jeteu is?
life – definition | DEX online
I don't understand the explanation for the down arrow.
I really like to knit, the patterns are very beautiful, I kept trying to make the pattern with blackberries but it doesn't work out for me years ago I made a jersey but unfortunately I don't have it anymore, if you have the pattern I would be very happy knitwear is worn a lot in ITALY, thank you
I also want to order catalogs or books with crochet and knitting patterns from where I can
I really like all the models and I would like to make them for my daughter
it is wonderful to see that people want to show others what they know.
the presented models are great ,you can make amazing combinations with them.
Hello, Ms. Nina. I want to congratulate you on the wonderful website. When I was young, imi placea tare mult sa tricotez alaturi de mama si bunica mea ( chiar mi-am facut niste lucrusoare 🙂 )Voiam sa va rog, daca se poate ,sa impartasesc acest site pe pagina creata de cateva d-ne romance care traiesc in Egipt. S-ar bucura enorm sa viziteze pagina d-voastra si cred ca le-ar folosi foarte mult. Thank you very much!
Nu e nici o problemă, cu scuzele de rigoare, din păcate, nu prea am timp sa ma ocup nici eu de site cum trebuie.
Poate mai apar niște ferestre sa recuperez.
jeteu 0=-iei firul dupa ac sau pe ac
pe ac
Buna.Sunt insarcinata cu o cireasa de iunie, si multumita site-ului dvs micuta mea are parte pana acum de primii botosei si de un cardigan tricotate de mami si desigur realizate dupa indicatiile gasite pe site-ul dvs.Marturisesc ca de tricotat n-am tricotat decat in scoala generala (adica acum 1000 de ani:)) si nestiiind decat baza aveam nevoie de cineva sa-mi explice cum sa fac noi modele, cate ochiuri trebuiesc puse pe andrea, cat de mici/mari sa fie andrelele.Site-ul dvs pot spune ca a tinut locul “bunicii” cu succes.Din pacate ambele mele bunici nu mai tricoteaza(una are Alzheimer, iar cealalta nu mai vede 🙁 ).Deci va multumesc pt oferirea posibilitatii de a-i crea fiicei mele lucrusoare incarcate de iubire.
PS: Mi-as dori daca se poate sa-i tricotez si o paturica frumoasa, am facut una, but with too thick threads and using the classic and I'm not very happy with the result. Thank you.
To this, July! Easy birth and a healthy baby. I also have a 3-year-old girl… another life with a child.
The next article will be the description of a blanket for your little girl. Just tell me how it will be: knitted or crocheted?
To this, thanks for the answer. The rug will be knitted, I still don't know how to crochet :).Thank you again
Thank you for this opportunity to have models and explanations in Romanian.
Thank you very much for the post and explanations. We can collaborate and exchange information about reading diagrams, thread appropriate for a model, me knowing the trocot well.
To the bigger one!
Congratulations! I liked everything I saw, even if I had time, I would do them all. I already have some of them because I've known how to knit since I was 10 years old, which helped me decipher any pattern. Again CONGRATULATIONS and thanks for the suggestions given.
when I start something new, my big dilemma is the model . now
my big dilemma is which model to choose
I have a picture from my childhood of me and my sister dressed in knitted blouses. Unfortunately I didn't keep them.
Now we have children and we would like a picture of them wearing the same model – more out of nostalgia.
Do you know how I can find someone who is talented enough to knit for me?
I kept trying but without success – and it's nothing exaggerated. Plus, the measures are for children aged 5 and 2.5 years, so they would not require a lot of time.
Any information is welcome. Thanks.
To this, July!
Knit hate if the comanda. Email me the picture to see if I can help you with anything.
What does it represent? “the report”?
Schemes contain a number of conventional signs ,which indicates the method of knitting the stitches. In magazines and books we will find other conventional signs,which are explained each time.
The group of conventional signs that repeats itself periodically is called a ratio.
If we know the ratio of a model, we will knit correctly and quickly. The schemes are read from bottom to top and from right to left. It is very important to respect the scheme of an article if we want it to be beautiful and of high quality.
what does it mean “twisted eyes” ?
May God reward you !!! I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart and wish you good health and a boost in work !!! with love, Ghe
for the jacket with a bow for girls, I didn't understand why you mentioned markers as necessary materials, what he represents for the model !
you have all the respect from me for what you do!
thank you in advance
Good evening!
Thank you so much for feedback.
I also looked in the article Jacket with a bow, but unfortunately I did not find the word marker in the description.
Can you please send me the link so I can see what the article is about?
A nice evening!
I'm a beginner and I don't understand what those symbols on the left side of the image mean. Can you tell me where I can find their explanation?
Thank you.
An excellent day!
At page 27 (ultima) find explanations of the conventional signs used in these schemes.
very interesting for all ages bravo
the models are gorgeous, but not Deslusesc V-sign,she,Arrow
Bravo. I would also like some models of crocheted hats(but more detailed work) Old models
The pictures are bigger, But you have to click on the image and it will open in its true size.
Thank you for your appreciation! (I will put and models of crocheted hats)
Would like a knitting book at home if possible. Thanks.
Unfortunately, I cannot give you the book. You can print the models, you wear them… and the book is ready!
it's not been 2 months since here in Italy I bought a magazine with a good part of these models!!!!!!!exactly the same as the model and the thread it is made of!!!!!!
Congratulations for the site, it's wonderful, it helps me a lot and even explicitly for those who know how to knit
the models are great , beautiful , user friendly , but I can't print except for page 1 or 2. Maybe you can explain to me how to do it ?
Good morning, d-by Nina. The models are special! Congratulations! I would like to know if you knit skirts ( I would really like to wear knitted skirts this winter, although my family criticizes me because I don't like long but more midi). Waiting for your reply., with great interest. Thank you very much and good luck in everything you do! Elena
Hello Elena!
I knit patterns for children. In adults it is more difficult with the measurements.
A good day!
ok, thank you very much. Good luck!
what does it mean in aminta the arrow pointing down means jeteu
You have very beautiful models. Congratulations. I want to do something for my niece who is 6 months old , but I am also interested in dress models, caciuli, the jackets, pants, etc. for 1-3 years. Thank you.
Good evening! I try to follow the instructions related to viewing the models (right click…) but the option does not appear”open link in a new tab”.
I would like to see a lace model of the sal,thank you very much!
Hi there,
Absolutley love your designs especially office jumper, but the english translation on the scheme diagram is still in Polish? Please can you give me the English translation of the scheme diagram, Please.