30 thoughts on “47 knitting patterns

  1. Hello,
    Can you please explain what it means and how to work a missing eye, how to close and how to mount an eye?
    I like pattern 23 but I don't know how to work this type of stitches.
    Thank you,

  2. Hello!
    I would start with the report. The ratio represents a number of stitches that are knitted according to a certain scheme. It may happen that the scheme starts with a smaller number of stitches and they increase along the way. In this case, the scheme will also show the missing stitches.
    In the case of the model you like, the missing stitches are not knitted in any way, but they are taken into account. In row 3 and row 5, they are completed based on the first jeteu from the beginning of the row.
    How to close the eyes? – knit 2 stitches together on the front, the resulting stitch is passed back onto the working needle and knitted together with the next stitch = in this case we close two stitches. If we want to close 3 we continue, we pass the resulting stitch on the working needle and knit it together with the next stitch and so on.
    The closing of the stitches can be with front stitches, it can be with reverse stitches depending on the model.
    How to put on 1 eye on Andrea during knitting? – We hold the needle with the knitted stitches in the right hand until assembly. We pass the working thread behind the index finger. We pass the loop with the knitted stitches behind the thread and remove it next to the index finger, we take the finger out of the 'lat’ and pull down the working thread. An eye forms on Andrea. Add as many stitches as you want.
    In the next row, the stitches are knitted as shown in the diagram.
    Good luck!

  3. To this, I'm Angela and I'd like to know what z means back from model 39 because I couldn't find it in the legend and how to work on the wrong side. Thank you.

  4. The inverted Z represents the grain and its knitting is explained in Conventional Signs, the last page from the models.

  5. Draga Nina, Thank you very much for the beautiful collection of crochet patterns. imi face placer sa spend time on your pages.I am returning to your site almost weekly to look for new patterns and ideas. Please excuse me for the mistakes in Romanian, I haven't had the opportunity to write for twenty-three years

  6. Hello,I really like your models.,please tell me how to work the missing eye,thank you.

  7. The missing eye is not worked. It is omitted. It is usually used in the scheme, when there were drops of stitches, which is compensated over two or three times. Their lack is presented with the help of the missing eye.
    When you meet him, the omiteti- don't take it into account.

  8. Please tell me how I can print the knitting patterns (I can't even save them, not even to print them). Thank you.

  9. With the print button, if you don't have the printer, the article can be saved as a pdf, select save as pdf option and save. After you save, go to the location where you saved, and open the pdf file. This requires you to have a pdf reader, foxit or adobe.

  10. I am unable to view models 12- 13- 14.! Please if you can help me from page 8,9,10 !

  11. Hello! Congratulations for what you are doing!
    How to work the lazy point? But the twisted one? I visited the last page, with explanations, but I didn't understand. Thank you in advance for your answers!!

  12. Good evening! Thank you for the appreciations.
    And now to answer your questions. Lazy stitch = The stitches are knitted face to face in front rows and purl rows.
    Twisted front eye = knit as front eye, inserting the working thread into the respective eye, through the back’ it.

  13. It's extraordinary! I really like. Congratulations for the idea, for imagination, for professionalism!Unfortunately I cannot print. I would like to. Thank you very much.

  14. Thanks. It can be printed, there is a print button at the bottom of the article where you can print directly, or save (ca si pdf, or just the picture)

  15. Good evening. You explained above how we can save the images, but, although I have a good printer, it does not have the option to save pdf documents. The pictures are gorgeous. I would very much like to save them… Thanks.

  16. There is somewhere on your website the description of the model on page 2 of the series 47 knitting models, which in the bottom left actually has no. 3, it's a beautiful model that represents beauty, it is knitted from light blue yarn. In other words, I can't see the description of the model, only his photo is visible.
    Thank you

  17. I clarified, it was on the next page, thank you very much for all the advice

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  19. For model 21, I have the impression that the diagram does not correspond. The diagram shows that the model is composed of 35 stitches, but on R1 there are 8 yarn overs and 2 decreases, which results in an increase of 6 stitches. The same thing happens with R3, R5 si R7. For aught I know, the jets compensate for the low number of stitches. \”Ochiul lipsa” I understand that it is an eye taken on Andrea, not worked on the front of the work and worked on the back of the work (so it means that he exists). So that I can understand, please tell me how many meshes there actually are on R1. Thanks.

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