loose sweater knitted in thick yarn

Wide knitted sweater in thick yarn

size: S – M – L – XL – XXL – XXXL;
Necessary materials: 11-12-13-14-16-17 sculuri fir DROPS ESKIMO (100% wool, 50 g/50 m);
Circular no. 8 and no. 9.
Knit density: 10 stitches x 14 rows = 10 x 10 cm points knitted jersey with stockinette stitch no.9;

Knitting explanation:
The sweater will be knitted in the round, from the collar down.
collar: Place 56-58-60-64-64-68 stitches on needle no. 8 and knit a row with all front stitches. Then, knit 4 cm with elastic 1 x 1 (1 front eye, 1 back eye).
Knitting will continue with needle no. 9, adding evenly in the next row 0-2-4-0-0-4 stitches = 56-56- 56-64-64-64 stitches.
Tipar pulover larg tricotat din fir gros
Then it will be knitted according to the scheme in the following way:* 1 marker is fixed, it is knitted according to scheme no. 1- 3-3-3-4-4-4 stitches, according to scheme 2 the next 14 stitches, 4-4-4-5-5-5 stitches according to scheme no. 3, 1 marker is fixed, 3-3-3-4-4-4 stitches according to scheme no.1, 4-4-4-5-5-5 stitches (sleeve) according to scheme no. 3, repeat from * once more.
It will be knitted according to the schemes, making the addition of stitches. When we get to the arrows on the schematics, on the needle we will have 192-200-216-232-248-256 stitches = 29-30-33- 35-37-39 cm from the first row.

In the next row, 41-43-47-51-55-57 stitches for the sleeves will be left on a needle, and they will be mounted on Andrea 4-4-6-6- 8-8 stitches in their place. The length of the detail will be measured from this place.Schema 2 pulover larg tricotat din fir grosSchema 1 pulover larg tricotat din fir gros
The basic detail: = 118-122-134-142-154-158 stitches. In the center of the stitches mounted on the needle instead of the sleeves, fix 1 marker. The basic pattern will start knitting from the star corresponding to the size you have.
Size S, M, L: *1-2-5 front stitches, the next 7 stitches will be knitted according to scheme no. 4, 42 stitches according to scheme no. 5, 7 stitches according to scheme no. 6, 2-3-6 front stitches, repeat from * once more.

Size XL, XXL si XXXL: *0-3-4 front stitches, 70 stitches according to scheme no. 5 (5 reports x 14 stitches), 1-4-5 front stitches, repeat from * once more.
We will continue knitting another 19-20-19-19- 19-19 cm. The knitting of the model will end after circular row no. 5 or 13 of scheme no. 5.
In the next row, all stitches will be knit front, adding evenly 24-24-26-28-30-32 stitches = 142-146-160-170-184-190 stitches.
Knitting will continue with needle no. 8, cu 4 cm elastic 1 x 1, after which the eyes close.
Schema 4 pulover larg tricotat din fir grosSchema 3 pulover larg tricotat din fir gros
Sleeve: The stitches on the auxiliary needle are transferred to the circular needle no. 9, from the edge of the underarm stitches instead of the sleeve stitches, 4 more are mounted on Andrea- 4-6-6-8-8 stitches (1 marker will be fixed in the middle of them) = 45-47-53-57-63-65 stitches.
The basic pattern will start knitting from the star corresponding to the size you have.
Size S, M and L: 1-2-5 front stitches, 7 stitches according to scheme no. 4, 28 stitches according to scheme no. 5, 7 stitches according to scheme no. 6, 2-3-6 front stitches.

Size XL, XXL si XXXL: 0-3-4 front stitches, 56 stitches according to scheme no. 5 (4 reports x 14 stitches), 1-4-5 front stitches.
We will continue knitting another 19-20-19-19- 19-19 cm. The knitting of the model will end after circular row no. 5 or 13 of scheme no. 5.
In the next row, all stitches will be knit front, adding evenly 9-9-11-11-13-13 stitches = 54- 56-64-68-76-78 stitches.
Knitting will continue with needle no. 8, cu 4 cm elastic 1 x 1, after which the eyes close.
The second sleeve will be knitted similarly.


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