simplicity sweater

Simplicity Sweater

size: S – M – L – XL – XXL – XXXL;
Necessary materials:
6-7-7-8-9-10 sculuri fir DROPS AIR (65% alpaca, 28% polyamide, 7% lana, 50 g/150 m);
6 mm circular holes.
Decreases for the sleeve: They will be made only in the front rows: 1 edge stitch, 2 stitches together front to left, and at the end of the row 2 stitches together face to the right, 1 edge stitch.
Knit density: 15 stitches x 22 rows = 10x10 cm with the pattern in diagram 1;

Knitting explanation
Left shoulder: Cast on 25-27-29-29-31-33 stitches and knit a row with all purl stitches. In the next row it will be knitted as follows: 1 edge stitch, the model from diagram no. 1 until the last 2 stitches, the first stitch will be knitted according to scheme no.1, 1 edge stitch.
4-4-4-4-5-5 cm will be knitted in this way, the last row being the front row.

In the next purl row it will continue:tipar pulover simplitate
Row 1: All stitches will be knitted according to the scheme as shown and add 1 stitch at the end of the row, from the neckline = 26-28-30-30-32-34 stitches;
Row 2-3: The stitches are knitted as shown;
The stitches of the left shoulder are left on a helping andrea.

The right shoulder will be knitted symmetrically with the left, 1 stitch will be added for the neckline at the end of the purl row and 1 more row will be knitted according to the scheme.
Then the stitches of the right shoulder will be knitted, cast on 21-21-21-25-25-25 stitches and knit the stitches of the left shoulder on the auxiliary needle = 73-77-81-85-89-93 stitches.

In the next row, the shoulder stitches will be knitted according to the scheme, those mounted on andrea as purl stitches.
After that it will be knitted in the following way: 1 edge stitch, 11-13-15-17-19-21 stitches scheme no.1, 49 stitches scheme no. 2, 11-13-15-17-19-21 stitches scheme no.1, 1 edge stitch.
After 13-14-13-14-15-15 cm knitted from the neckline, stitches will be added to form the sleeves: it is mounted from both sides at the end of each row: 2-2-2-2-2-2 x 1 stitch, 0-0-2-2-3-4 x 2 stitches and 1 x 4 stitches = 85-89-97-101-113-121 stitches. The cast-on stitches will be knitted according to scheme no. 1.

schema2 pulover-simplitatesemne conventionale pulover simplitateWhen the model from scheme no. 2 will be knitted completely, 2 stitches will be decreased = 83-87-95-99-111-119 stitches. We will continue knitting all the stitches according to scheme no. 1.
After 54-56-58-60-62-64 cm knit from the neckline, all eyes close.

Right shoulder: Cast on 25-27-29-29-31-33 stitches and knit a row with all purl stitches. In the next row it will be knitted as follows: 1 edge stitch, the model from diagram no. 1 until the last 2 stitches, the first stitch will be knitted according to scheme no.1, 1 edge stitch.
Row 2: All stitches will be knitted according to the scheme as shown and add 1 stitch at the end of the row = 26-28-30-30-32-34 stitches;
Row 3-4: The stitches are knitted as shown;
The stitches of the right shoulder are left on a helping andrea. Symmetric, the left shoulder will also be knitted.
Then the stitches of the left shoulder will be knitted, cast on 21-21-21-25-25-25 stitches and knit the stitches of the right shoulder on the auxiliary needle = 73-77-81-85-89-93 stitches.
In the next row, the shoulder stitches will be knitted according to the scheme, those mounted on andrea as purl stitches.
Then, the stitches will be knitted according to scheme no.1

After 13-14-13-14-15-15 cm stitches will be cast on to form the sleeves as on the front = 83-87-95-99-111-119 stitches. We will continue knitting all the stitches according to scheme no. 1.
After 54-56-58-60-62-64 cm knit from the neckline, all eyes close.

Sleeve: Cast on 19-23-25-27-27-27 stitches and knit as follows: 1 edge stitch, scheme pattern no. 1 until the last 2 stitches, first stitch according to scheme 1, 1 edge stitch.
Then, stitches will be cast on from both sides at the end of each row: 3-3-3-3-2-2 x 2 stitches, 0-0-0-0-4-5 x 1 eye, 2 x 2 stitches and 1 x 4 stitches = 47-51-53-55-59-61 stitches. The mounted stitches will be knitted according to scheme no.1. A marker will be attached to the last row with stitch additions, sleeve length will be measured from the marker.

After 4 cm knitted from the marker, 1 stitch will be decreased from both sides. The stitch decrease will be repeated after every 5-5-4-4-3-3 cm 7-8-8-9-10-10 times = 33-35-37-37-39-41 stitches.
After 44-44-43-43-41-39 cm from the marker, all eyes close.

finishing: The seams of the sweater are made. From the edge of the neckline, 66-78 stitches are cast on, 4 rows with all purl stitches, after which the eyes close.


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