turquoise beanie hat

Turquoise beanie hat

Cranial circumference: 52-54 cm;
Necessary materials:
100 g fir Merino Suave(100% Peruvian wool, 100 m/50 g);
Andre circular no. 4.

Knitting explanation:
120 stitches are mounted on andrea. The stitches are closed in a circle and knit 8 rows of elastic 2 x 2.
Next, the pattern presented in scheme no.1 will be knitted.
Rows 1-20 are repeated 3 times or 2 times if a shorter hat is desired.

Then the top of the hat will be knitted according to scheme no. 2.
The pink square represents the lack of eyes. This will be skipped and the next stitch will be knitted.
After knitting the last row shown in diagram no. 2, there will be 10 stitches left on Andrea.
Schema 1 caciula beanie turcoazSchema 2 caciula beanie turcoaz
The working thread is cut leaving a longer end.
The end of the thread is passed through the remaining stitches.

The thread is tightened and fixed on the back of the hat.
The hat is washable, put on a towel and dry.


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