Ornamental sweater in winter

Sweater with winter ornaments

Waist circumference: 73/80,5/88,8/96,5/104/112/119,5 cm;
Necessary materials:
4/5/6/8/9/11/12 sculuri fir GemsWorsted (100% merino, 154 m/100 g);
Andre circular no. 4 with a length of 60 cm;
Andre the helper.
Knit density:21 stitches x 28 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Knitting explanation:
The sweater will be knitted as a single detail, with circular rows from top to bottom.
It is mounted on Andrea 108 stitches. The stitches are closed in a circle and 1 marker is attached. Knit 3 rows with all purl stitches, 2 rows with all front stitches, 3 rows with all purl stitches.
Further, the stitches are divided as follows: 7 front stitches, 26 stitches, the model from scheme no.1, 7 front stitches, 1 marker is fixed, 14 stitches, the model from scheme no.1 (the beginning and end of the sleeves in the blue border), 1 marker is fixed, 40 front stitches, 1 marker is fixed, 14 stitches, the model from scheme no.1 (the beginning and end of the sleeves in the blue border)

Stitch additions: Knit 2 stitches each from the stitches located before and after the markers, the rest of the stitches will be knitted according to the scheme = 8 stitches added.Schema pulover cu ornamente de iarna
This addition of stitches will be repeated every 2nd row 14 times = 228 stitches. The added stitches will be knitted front, if they are on the back and front of the sweater, and vice versa, if they are on the sleeves. With the addition of stitches, the first report of the model from scheme no. 1 will be made.

Next row: knit to the first marker, then on the next 9 stitches the pattern from scheme no. 2 for the right side (the ratio for the sleeve in the blue border), next the basic pattern will be knitted, after which 9 stitches the model from scheme no. 2 for the left side (the ratio for the sleeve in the blue border). The same will be done when knitting the second sleeve.

It will continue according to the scheme, the addition of stitches will be made in the next row and in every 2nd row for 3 more (7,11,15,19,23,27) ori = 260 (292, 324,356, 388, 420,452) mesh, after which 1 row according to the schemes.
Then knit to the first marker, the following 52 (60, 68, 76,84, 92, 100) stitches of the left sleeve pass on a helping andrea, the marker is removed, knit according to the scheme until the next marker, the following 52 (60, 68, 76,84, 92, 100) stitches of the right sleeve are passed on a helping andrea. 1 marker is fixed at the beginning of the row.
Tipar pulover cu ornamente de iarna
156 will remain on the job vacancies(172,188, 204, 220, 236, 252) mesh. The stitches are closed in a circle and knit according to schemes 11 more,5(12,5/14/15/16,5/16,5/18) cm down from the armpit.
Last row will end with 8/4/0/12/8/4/0 stitches to marker. The marker for a new line start is set.

Waist line: 2 front stitches, the ratio of 14 stitches scheme n.2 for the right side is knitted 2/2/2/3/3/3/3 times, 2 front stitches, the model from scheme no.1, 2 front stitches, the ratio of 14 stitches scheme no. 2 for the left side is knitted 4/5/5/6/6/7/7 times, 2 front stitches, the ratio of 14 stitches scheme no. 2 for the right side is knitted 2/2/2/3/3/3/3 times.
It will be knitted in this way according to schemes 30/26 more,5/35,5/42,5/40/45/47,5 cm from the armpit, the last row being row 30 of scheme no. 1.

Next, 2 rows will be knitted with all front stitches, 3 rows with all purl stitches, 2 rows with all front stitches, 3 rows with all purl stitches, after which the stitches are closed as purl stitches.

Sleeve: The 52 pass on the work lane (60, 68, 76,84, 92, 100) stitches and knit according to schemes 31 more,5/33/40,5/43/45,5/48 cm from underarm.
Next, 2 rows will be knitted with all front stitches, 3 rows with all purl stitches, 2 rows with all front stitches, 3 rows with all purl stitches, after which the stitches are closed as purl stitches.
The same will be done with the second sleeve.

finishing: The underarm seams are made.


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