Aran model scarf hat

Hat and scarf with aran pattern

Cranial circumference: 56-57 cm;
Necessary materials:
For the hat: 70 g for gray (50% merino wool, 25% alpaca, 25% silk, 90 m/50g);
For the scarf: 50 g of gray yarn from the same range.
Andre no. 4,5;
A helpful Andrea.

Knit density: 18 stitches x 30 rows = 10 x 10 cm;

Knitting explanation:
The hat will be knitted circularly from bottom to top.
It is mounted on Andrea 96 stitches. Schema caciula si fular cu model aran
The stitches are closed in a circle and the pattern shown in the diagram is knitted.
Raportul modelului se repetă de 4 ori într-un rând circular.
Adăugările și scăderile de ochiuri se vor realiza conform schemei.

După tricotarea rândului 71, pe andreaua de lucru vor rămâne 40 ochiuri.
Firul de lucru se taie lăsând un capăt de 20-30 cm.
Cu ajutorul unui ac, capătul firului se trece prin ochiurile rămase de 2 ori.Semne conventionale caciula si fular cu model aran
The thread is tightened and fixed on the wrong side of the work.

Fularul se tricotează cu rânduri circulare, according to the scheme.
It is mounted on Andrea 96 stitches.
The stitches are closed in a circle and the pattern shown in the diagram is knitted.
After knitting row 46, pe andreaua de lucru vor fi 112 ochiuri.
In the next row, stitches are closed.