cable pullover

Twisted sweater

Size: 36/38;
Necessary materials:
500 g fir Cascade Yarns Superwash Sport (100% merino wool, 125m/50 g);
Andre no. 3.5 and no. 4;
Crochet no. 3.5;
Andre the helper.
Knit density: 26 stitches x 32 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Explanation knitting:
Back/Front: On Andre no. 3,5 cast on 122 stitches and knit 5 cm (16 rows) elastic 2 x 2 (2 front stitches, 2 purl stitches.
Next, knit with needle no. 4 – 2 rows with stockinette stitch, adding evenly in the first row 2 stitches = 124 stitches.
Then, the pattern presented in scheme no. will be knitted. 1. The report shown in the diagram, horizontally, it will be repeated 9 times, the last 7 stitches of the row will be purl.
Vertically, rows 1-4 are knitted once, rows 5-12 are knitted 9 times, after which rows 5-11 are knitted once = 83 rows.cable knit pullover
The eyes are on a helpful Andrea.
As, the front side is also knitted.

Sleeve: On Andre no. 4 cast on 98 stitches and knit the pattern presented in diagram no. 1. The report shown in the diagram, horizontally, it will be repeated 7 times, the last 7 stitches of the row will be purl.
Vertically, rows 1-4 are knitted once, rows 5-12 are knitted 11 times, after which rows 5-11 are knitted once = 99 rows.
The eyes are on a helpful Andrea.
As, the second sleeve is also knitted.
schematic pullover torsade
The top of the sweater, or the collar, it will be knitted with circular rows. The stitches of the front part are passed on a circular needle, the stitches of sleeve 1, the mesh of the back, sleeve stitches 2: 124 stitches + 98 stitches + 124 stitches + 98 stitches = 444 stitches. After joining all the details, between the front and sleeve 1 we will have 14 purl stitches, between sleeve 1 and the back we will have 14 purl stitches, between the back and sleeve 2 we will have 14 purl stitches, between sleeve 2 and the front we will have 14 purl stitches.

Next, row 1 of scheme no. 2 will be knitted - from the group of 7 stitches knitted together purl, stitches 1 and 2 will be purled together (a total of 28 stitches decreased).semne pulover twist
From the group of 14 purl stitches, for cutting the sleeves, close 8 stitches from the center (a total of 32 stitches decreased).
After knitting the first row of scheme no. 2 and making the cut of the sleeves, we will have 384 stitches on the working needle. On the front and back we will have 9 twists each, on each sleeve 7 torsades = 32 torsades.
After knitting the 57 rows of scheme no.2, 192 stitches will remain on Andrea.

finishing: The side seams of the sweater are made.
The edge of the neckline will be finished with crochet, according to scheme no. 3.
The edges of the sleeves will be finished with the help of crochet with 4 rows without jeteu feet, according to scheme no. 4. It will be crocheted circularly and evenly, on 50 stitches on the edge of the sleeve.


3 thoughts on “Twisted sweater

  1. For Mrs. Rodica Tincu:
    Cut the sleeves at the same time as row 1 of pattern 2. After transferring all the stitches onto the working needle, between the front parts, back and sleeves there will be 4 groups of 14 purl stitches each. The cutting of the sleeve is done on these groups of stitches. Knit 3 purl stitches, 8 stitches close, knit 3 purl stitches. The same is done with the other 3 groups.

    After completing the 1st row of the scheme and cutting the sleeves, between each twist there will be 6 purl stitches.

    Senpolia Succes!

  2. Bonjour,
    Really beautiful model too bad the dot grids, diagrams are too small to read and understand ! I would like to have the explanations of these points especially that of the neckline and the decreases between the cables,even in english, because I would like to do it in a circle from bottom to top. Merci

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