sunrise sweater

Sunrise sweater

size: X-S(S, M, L, X-L, 2X-L).
Necessary materials:
7 (7,8,9,10,11) BerrocoKarma yellow thread tools (100% cotton, 50g /62 m);
Andre no. 8.
Knit density: 12 stitches x 18 rows = 10 X 10 cm.

Knitting explanation:
Back/Front: It is mounted on Andrea 51 (57, 61, 67, 73, 77) stitches and knit the pattern shown in diagram 16.5 (16.5, 17.8, 17.8, 19, 19) cm. The last row will be purl row.
1 marker will be fixed at the beginning of the row, after the edge eye and the edge eye at the end of the row.
In this way, we marked the beginning of the neckline sleeves.Schema pulover Rasarit de soare
Next will knit the model in the scheme, until the length of the neckline sleeves will be 14 (15, 16.5, 17.8, 19) cm. The last row will be purl row.
In the next row is knit 13 (16; 18; 21; 24; 26) mesh, fix the wire from the second tool. Close 25 stitches from the center and knit the pattern in the scheme until the end of the row.
Further, each part will knit simultaneously with the threads from different tool.
It will knit until the neckline sleeve will measure 17.8 (19, 20.3, 21.5, 23, 24) cm from the marker. The last row will be purl row.
In the next front row, all eyes close.Tipar pulover Rasarit de soare

Sleeve: Mounted on Andrea 31 (31; 33; 33; 35; 35) mesh. The pattern shown in the scheme will be knitted. Every 14th (10; 10; 6; 6; 6)- th row will be added from both sides by 1 eye until on needle we have 39 (41; 43; 47; 49; 51) mesh. Stitches are added in the following way: 1 edge stitch, 1 front eye, add 1 stitch between 2 stitches, knit the pattern up to the last 2 stitches, add 1 stitch between 2 stitches, 1 front eye, 1 edge stitch.
When the length of the sleeve will measure 30 cm, all stitches will close.

finishing: The details get wet, spread over the surface of the pattern and allow to dry. Then all the details will be sewn.


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