spring sweater

Spring sweater

size: 40/42;
Necessary materials:
390 g for Vita “Scarlett” (49% wool, 51% acrylic; 225 m/100 g);
Andre no. 4;
Crochet no. 4.

Knit density: 19 stitches x 27 rows = 10 x 10 cm.
Knitting explanation:
Spate: Cast on 87 stitches and knit 3 rows of elastic 1 x 1 (1 twisted front eye, 1 back eye).
Further, the stitches are divided as follows: 1 edge stitch, 11 elastic stitches 1 x 1, * 19 stitches the pattern in the diagram, 3 elastic stitches 1 x 1 *, it's repeating * – *once, 19 stitches pattern from the scheme, 11 elastic stitches 1 x 1, 1 edge stitch.
Will knit 100 rows according to the scheme.

In row 101 from elastic, for cutting the sleeves, are closed from both sides by 4 stitches and in every 2nd row 1 x 2 stitches and 2 x 1 stitch = 71 stitches.
In row 156 from elastic, all eyes close.
schema pulover de primavara
Face: It will be knitted like the back, but with a deeper neckline.
In the 45th row at the beginning of the neckline, are closed 19 stitches from the center and from both sides thereof, in every 2nd row 1 x 4 stitches, 1 x 3 stitches, 1 x 2 stitches and 2 x 1 stitch.
In row 156 from elastic, close the remaining 15 stitches for each shoulder.

Sleeve: Mount on needle 37 stitches and knit 3 rows elastic 1 x 1 (1 twisted front eye, 1 back eye).
Further, the stitches are divided as follows: 1 edge stitch, 16 stitches model of the scheme (will knit starting with eye 4 of the ratio), 3 elastic stitches 1 x 1, 16 stitches model of the scheme, 1 edge stitch.
In row 9 from elastic, 1 stitch is added from both sides, in every 8th row 7 x 1 eye, in every 6th row 7 x 1 stitch = 67 stitches. The added stitches will knit with the pattern in the scheme until the completion of the ratio and elastic 1 x 1.
In row 115 from elastic, 3 stitches are closed on both sides, then every 2nd row 1 x 3 stitches, 2 x 2 stitches, 15 x 1 eye, 2 x 3 stitches.
In row 159 from elastic are closed the 5 remaining stitches.

finishing: The seams of the sweater are made. The edges of the neckline are finished with the help of the crochet, with 1 row “cancer steps”. The row ends with 1 connecting leg.


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