dancing leaves sweater

Sweater “Dancing Leaves”

size: 104-110;
Necessary materials:
230 g for purple (100% merino wool, 50g/150m);
Andrele no. 2.5 and no. 3.

Knitting explanation:
The sweater will be knitted from top to bottom as one detail.
128 stitches are mounted on andrea, the stitches are closed in a circle and knit 15 rows with elastic in the following way: [1 back eye, 1 stitch is cast on andrea without knitting (thread after thread), 1 back eye, 2 front stitches, 1 back eye, 2 front stitches, 1 back eye, 1 front eye, 1 back eye, 2 front stitches, 1 back eye, 2 front stitches] x 8.dancing leaves sweater side

dancing leaves sweater back

Next it will be knitted according to the scheme. The first row of the scheme is part of the elastic of the sweater.
In the range of rows 3-15 and 21-31 will add stitches according to the scheme.
After knitting the model shown in the scheme, on the working needle will be 336 stitches.

In the next row, the stitches are divided as follows: 65 sleeve stitches 1, 103 stitches back side, 65 stitches sleeve 2, 103 stitches front side.
The stitches of the sleeves are left on one helpful needle.
Knit with jersey point 10 rows with the stitches of the back part, after which on the working needle are passed and stitches of the front part = 206 stitches. Stitches of the front and back are knit circular with jersey point – 27-28 cm. In the last row are subtracted evenly 2 stitches and knit 3 cm with elastic 2 x 2 (2 front stitches, 2 purl stitches).
schema 1 dancing leaves sweaterschema 2 dancing leaves sweatersemne dancing leaves sweater

Sleeve: The stitches of the sleeve 1 are passed on the helpful knitting needle. From the free edges of the 10 cm knitted on the back is cast on needle 8 stitches = 73 stitches.
The stitches are closed in circle and knit 96 rows according to the scheme no.2. In row 5 will be subtracted 2 stitches and in every 10th row 3 x 2 stitches = 65 stitches.

After knitting the model from scheme no. 2, will knit another 14 rows with jersey point. In the last row it will decrease 1 eye. Follow 15 rows with elastic 2 x 2, after which the eyes close.
The second sleeve will be knitted similarly.


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