denim jacket and gloves

Jacket and gloves “Denim”

size: 36-40;
Necessary materials:
650g blue thread (100% wool; 90 m/50 g) for the jacket;
100g blue thread (100% wool; 90 m/50 g) for gloves;
Set of 5 circular beads no. 5;
Andre circular no. 5;
Torsade model: number of stitches = 33. In the ranks it seems, the stitches are knitted as shown, the jets as front meshes. In the odd rows it will be knitted according to the scheme. The report is repeated. Rows 1-38 are knitted once, after which rows 3-38 are repeated.

The '3-stitch twist' model: The gray ratio in the scheme is knitted only once, after which rows 1-4 are repeated.

Knit density:
Torsade model: 23.5 stitches x 25 circular rows = 10 x 10 cm;

Knitting explanation:
The jacket: the jacket will be knitted from top to bottom, with circular rows. The arrow on the pattern indicates the knitting direction. Decreased stitches in the last circular row, before the closing detail, will not be taken into account.
296 stitches are mounted on Andrea. The stitches are closed in a circle and knit 3 cm elastic 1 x 1 ( 1 front eye, 1 back eye). In the last row of the elastic, add 1 stitch = 297 stitches.
Next, the 'torsade' pattern will be knitted. First circular of the report, from the first stitch of each report, 1 twisted purl stitch and 1 front stitch will be knitted, and from the last stitch of each report, 1 front stitch and 1 twisted purl stitch will be added = 315 stitches. The added stitches will be purled.schema jacheta si manusi denim

After 1,5 cm = 4 circular rows from elastic, add 1 twisted purl stitch between both purl stitches = 324 stitches, then in every 10th row from both sides of the purl stitches, 9 x 1 purl twisted stitches will be knitted, from the thread between 2 stitches. The added stitches will continue to be purled (18 stitches were added in each circular row).
Concomitant, after 5 p.m,5 cm = 44 circular rows from elastic (in the 4th circular row by adding stitches from both sides), on the 3 stitches in the center of the purl stitch group, the 'torsade' pattern will be knitted on 3 stitches.

After making all the stitch additions, on Andrea we will have 486 stitches, distributed as follows:* purl 9 stitches, 3 stitches model torsade on 3 stitches, 9 purl stitches, 33 stitches 'torsade' model, repeat from * 8 times.
After 39,5 cm = 99 circular rows from elastic, in the next circular row, 18 stitches will be decreased as follows: in each tuning fork knitted with purl stitches, from both sides of the torsade on 3 stitches, knit 2 stitches together purl = 468 stitches.tipar jacheta si manusi denim
After 40 cm = 100 circular rows, knit 3 cm elastic 1 x 1, after which the eyes close.
finishing: The detail folds in two, paying attention to symmetry.
Carefully join the edges of the detail 30 cm from the center. The 16.5 cm on both sides will be left free, for the sleeves.

Gloves (2 pieces): It is mounted on Andrea 36 stitches. The stitches are divided among the 4 rows in the set (9 stitches on each andrea). The stitches are closed in a circle and knit 2 cm elastic 1 x 1 (1 front eye, 1 back eye). In the last row, add 1 stitch = 37 stitches.
It will continue as follows: 2 purl stitches, 33 stitches 'torsade' model, 2 purl stitches.
Concomitant, they will be added between purl stitches, in every 4th row 1 x 1 purl stitch, then in every 6th row 9 x 1 purl stitch = 47 stitches
After 25,5 cm = 64 circular rows, 3 cm elastic 1 x 1 will be knitted. In the first row of the elastic, 1 stitch will be decreased = 46 stitches.
The stitches are closed in the last row of the elastic.


3 thoughts on “Jacket and gloves “Denim”

  1. Hello. I really like this model, Denim jacket and gloves. I haven't braided in a long time, but I would like to try it. I don't understand the explanation for torsade. You can be a little more explicit. Please a lot.
    Thank you in advance

  2. Good evening!
    You can find the explanation for twists in the diagram, the arrow sign on 3 stitches.

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