Alima jacket

Alima jacket

Jacheta Alimasize: 36-38;
Necessary materials:
400 g fir blue Merino Cotton (52% wool, 48% cotton, 120 m/50 g);
Other circulars no. 3.5 and no. 4,5 length 80 cm
Andre the helper
Knit density: 16 stitches x 24 rows = 10 x10 cm.

Knitting explanation:
The jacket will be knitted as a single detail, which will have the shape of a rectangle. The corners of the rectangle will bend inwards (see the pattern).
It is mounted on circular rails no. 4,5 – 182 stitches and knit in stocking stitch. After 64 cm knit from the first row, all eyes close.

collar: On Andre no. 4,5 cast on 33 stitches and knit 90 cm = 216 rows, the pattern shown in scheme no.. 1. The front rows are shown in the diagram. In the back rows, the stitches are knitted as shown, the jets as purl stitches. Rows 1-24 are repeated in height 9 times. The eyes fall on a helpful Andrea. The knitted detail will feature the first half of the collar.
The second half of the collar will be knitted in a similar way. The two halves will be sewn in the middle, applying the 'eye to eye' stitch.scheme jacheta alimatipar jacheta alima

finishing: The corners of the jacket bend towards the center (see the arrows in the pattern). The edges of the corners will be sewn, leaving 10 cm free to the outside, for the sleeve.
From the edge of the sleeve, it is mounted on needle no. 3.5 = 44 stitches. The stitches are closed in a circle and knit 5,5 cm = 16 circular rows elastic 1 x 1 (1 front eye, 1 back eye), after which the eyes close.

The collar will be sewn to the edges of the front parts of the jacket. The seam on the middle of the collar should match the middle of the back (marked in print with an X).


3 thoughts on “Alima jacket

  1. Gracias por compartir instrucciones de bellas y abrigadoras prendas

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