
Boots with a bow

Botosei cu fundã

Necessary materials:
50 g fir rose I'll Be There;
50 g for alb Alize Softy;
Andrele no. 4.

Knitting explanation:
Sole: With red thread, cast on Andrea 28 stitches and knit 1 row with all front stitches.
Next, it will be knitted with a lazy point (all front stitches in front and back rows). In every second row, stitches will be added in the following way:
Row 1: 1 edge stitch, 1 life, 12 stitches face, 1 life, 2 front stitches, 1 life, 12 stitches face, 1 life,1 edge stitch;
Row 2,4,6,8: All eyes face;
Row 3: 1 edge stitch, 1 life, 13 knit stitches, 1 life, 4 front stitches, 1 life, 13 knit stitches, 1 life,1 edge stitch;
Row 5: 1 edge stitch, 1 life, 14 stitches face, 1 life, 6 stitches face, 1 life, 14 stitches face, 1 life,1 edge stitch;
Row 7: 1 edge stitch, 1 life, 15 knit stitches, 1 life, 8 stitches face, 1 life, 15 knit stitches, 1 life,1 edge stitch;
After that will knit another 4 rows with all stitches front.
Next it will knit with white thread and will be made top botoselului in the following way: In every second row,in the center of detail (the 4 stitches in the center), will achieve decreases of stitches in the following way – take 1 stitch on andrea without knitting, the next stitch will knit the face and pass over the eye taken, 2 stitches together face. Stitches will be decreased in this way, until the needle will remain 30 stitches.
After that will knit another 4-6 rows with all stitches front.
Next will knit with red thread 6 rows with all stitches front. Follow another 1 row with all the front stitches, 1 row with all the stitches back, 1 row with all stitches front and another 10-12 rows with all stitches front. In the next row, all the stitches are closed.
finishing: The stitch of the bootees is made on the middle of the sole and on the middle of the heel. Elastic knitted with red thread turns to the front of the bootosel on the knitted rows with jersey point.
With white thread is knit two bows in the following way: It mounts on needle 7 stitches. Knit 10-12 rows with jersey point, after which the eyes close. With red thread wrap the middle of the knitted detail, forming a bow. The same will be achieved and the second bow.
Bows sew on the side (see the picture).


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