Blue Zig Zag

Blue Zig Zag

Bluza ZigzagBust circumference: 83 (92,5; 102; 109; 118,5; 125;131,5) cm;
Necessary materials:
3 (3; 4; 4; 5; 5; 6) Rowan thread spools, Pima Cotton DK (100% cotton (50 g/130m));
Color: (MC) 050 Pampas (alb); (CC) 062 Skipper (blue);
Andre circular no. 4 and no. 3,5 ;

Knit density: 21 stitches x 25 rows = 10 x 10 cm;

Modelul Chevron:
Count stitches : 7 stitches + 1;
Row 1: *1 front eye, 1 life, 1 front eye, cast on 1 stitch on the working needle, 2 stitches together front, the resulting stitch is crossed over the taken one, 1 front eye, 1 jeteu* is repeated *- *to the last front eye.
Row 2: All purl stitches.

How to knit:
The blouse is composed of two parts. Each part is knitted from the edge to the center. The two details are sewn on the center. The knitting density must be the same for both details.

Detail 1: On Andre no. 4, with white thread, 94 is mounted (94; 94; 101; 101; 108; 108) mesh.
Row 1,3 and 5:1 edge stitch, *1 front eye, 1 life, 1 front eye, cast on 1 stitch on the working needle, 2 stitches together front, the resulting stitch is crossed over the taken one, 1 front eye, 1 jeteu* is repeated *- * until the last two stitches, 1 front eye, 1 back eye.
Row 2 and all even rows: All the stitches are knitted purl.
Row 7: 1 edge stitch,*1 front eye, 1 life, 6 front stitches, 1 jeteu* is repeated *- * until the last two stitches, 1 front eye, 1 back eye. = 120 (120; 120; 129: 129: 138; 138 stitches.

Knitting will continue alternating the thread color as follows: 2 rows with blue yarn, 2 rows with white yarn.
Row 9,11 and 13:1 edge stitch, *1 front eye, 1 life, 2 front stitches, cast on 1 stitch on the working needle, 2 stitches together front, the resulting stitch is crossed over the taken one, 2 front stitches, 1 jeteu * repeats *- * until the last two stitches, 1 front eye, 1 back eye.
Row 15: 1 edge stitch, * 1 front eye, 1 life, 8 front stitches, 1 jeteu * repeats *- * until the last two stitches, 1 front eye, 1 back eye. = 146 (146; 146; 157; 157; 168; 168) mesh.
Row 17, 19,21,23 and 25: 1 edge stitch, * 1 front eye, 1 life, 3 front stitches, cast on 1 stitch on the working needle, 2 stitches together front, the resulting stitch is crossed over the taken one, 3 front stitches, 1 jeteu * repeats *- * until the last two stitches, 1 front eye, 1 back eye.
Row 27: 1 edge stitch, * 1 front eye, 1 life, 10 front stitches, 1 jeteu * repeats *- * until the last two stitches, 1 front eye, 1 back eye. = 172 (172; 172; 185; 185; 198; 198) mesh.
Row 29 and all odd rows up to row 43: 1 edge stitch, * 1 front eye, 1 life, 4 front stitches, cast on 1 stitch on the working needle, 2 stitches together front, the resulting stitch is crossed over the taken one, 4 front stitches, 1 jeteu * repeats *- * until the last two stitches, 1 front eye, 1 back eye.
Row 43: 1 edge stitch, * 1 front eye, 1 life, 12 front stitches, 1 jeteu * repeats *- * until the last two stitches, 1 front eye, 1 back eye. = 198 (198; 198; 213; 213; 228; 228) mesh.
Row 44 (back row): 1 edge stitch, purl all the stitches to the end of the row. 1 is subtracted at the end of the row (0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0) eyes = 197 (198; 198; 213; 213; 228; 228) mesh.

For bust circumference = 83 cm – row 44 is the last.tipar Bluza Zigzag
For bust circumference = 92,5 (102; 109; 118,5; 125; 131,5) cm:
Row 45 and the following front rows up to row 49 (55; 59; 61; 61; 61): 1 edge stitch, * 1 front eye, 1 life, 5 front stitches, cast on 1 stitch on the working needle, 2 stitches together front, the resulting stitch is crossed over the taken one, 5 front stitches, 1 jeteu * repeats *- * until the last two stitches, 1 front eye, 1 back eye.

Back rows 50 (56; 60; 62; 62; 62): 1 edge stitch, purl all the stitches to the end of the row. 1 is subtracted at the end of the row (1; 0; 0; 0; 0) eyes = 197 (197; 213; 213; 228; 228) mesh.
For bust circumference = 92.5 cm – row 50 is the last.
For bust circumference = 102 cm – row 56 is the last.
For bust circumference = 109 cm – row 60 is the last.

For bust circumference = 118,5 (125; 131,5) cm :
Row 63: 1 edge stitch, * 1 front eye, 1 life, 14 front stitches, 1 jeteu * repeats *- * until the last two stitches, 1 front eye, 1 back eye. = 241 (258; 258) mesh.
Row 65 and the following rows before 65 (69; 73): 1 edge stitch, * 1 front eye, 1 life, 6 front stitches, cast on 1 stitch on the working needle, 2 stitches together front, the resulting stitch is crossed over the taken one, 6 front stitches, 1 jeteu * repeats *- * until the last two stitches, 1 front eye, 1 back eye.
Back rows 66 (70; 74): 1 edge stitch, purl all the stitches to the end of the row. 0 is subtracted at the end of the row (1; 1) eyes =241 (257; 257) mesh.
For bust circumference = 118.5 cm – row 66 is the last.
For bust circumference = 125 cm – row 70 is the last.
For bust circumference = 131.5 cm – row 74 is the last.

Every detail, for all sizes, finish with 1 x 1 elastic ( 1 front eye, 1 back eye).
Work thread (blue) the andrels are cut and changed. Knit 6 rows with 1 x 1 elastic with white thread and needle no. 3.5, after which the eyes close.

Detail 2 will be knitted in the same way.
finishing: The details are placed face to face with the front side on top. Sew on the center, leaving room for neck trimming for the front and back.
From the bottom edge of the blouse, meshes are mounted on the ends no. 3.5. The stitches are closed in a circle and knit 14 circular rows with elastic 1 x 1. Eyes close.


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