Tunic Boho
The tunic resembles a poncho, stitched on the edges.
size: 40-44;
Necessary materials:
230 g cotton (the thread in 4 strands, 900m/100 g);
Andrele no. 2.5;
Crochet hook no. 1.5.
Knitting explanation:
Two details will be knitted as follows:
Cast on 116 stitches and knit elastic 1×1 in the following way:
Row 1:*1 twisted front eye, 1 ochi two*, repeat *-* until the end of the row;
Row 2:*1 front eye, 1 purl eye twisted*, repeat *-* until the end of the row;
6 more rows with elastic will be knitted, and in row 7 *5 stitches will cross according to scheme E, 1 ochi two*, repeat *-* until the end of the row.
Next, it will be knitted in the following way: 1 edge stitch, 19 stitches, the model from diagram A, (4 stitches, the model from scheme B, 10 stitches, the model from scheme C)x4, 4 stitches, the model from scheme B, Purl 3 stitches, 25 stitches, the model from scheme D, Purl 3 stitches, 4 stitches, the model from scheme B, 1 edge stitch. In scheme A, in the back rows, above the twisted front stitches will be knitted twisted purl stitches.
After knitting 27 reports according to scheme C, knit 13 more rows with 1 x 1 elastic band (see description above), after which the eyes close.
finishing: After knitting detail two, we will make the seams of the tunic.
30 cm is left free from the longer edge of the first detail (11 reports of the C model). The shorter edge of detail two will be sewn to the longer edge of detail one starting from ratio 12 of scheme C.
The second detail goes over the shoulder line (at a distance of 15 cm from the seam), aligning the longer edges with the 15 cm left free on the long edge of detail one (4 reports of the C model). Sew to the longer edge of detail two, leaving 30 cm free from the seam.
Similarly, the second side seam will be made.
The edges of the sleeves, the neckline and the bottom edge of the tunic will be finished with crochet, with a row of crab steps with 2 legs with jeteu.
wonderful model
I tried to make this tunic but the schemes are not clear, do not explain how to work the back rows, how to work the double jete. It says it works as two details but only one is explained. I would need help, if possible. Thank you very much.
Do you knit left. To right or start at the row number so row 1 right to left row 2 left to right not clear