shrug elegant

Shrug elegant

shrug elegantBust circumference: 91.5 cm;
Necessary materials:
400 g for Louet Gems Light/Worsted (100% merions, 160 m/100g);
Andrele no. 5.

Knit density: 17 stitches x 24 rows = 10×10 cm.

Knitting explanation:
Front left side:
Cast on 92 stitches and knit as follows: (1 front eye, 1 back eye) x3, purl all the stitches until the last 6 stitches, (1 back eye, 1 eye girl) x 3.
Next, it will be knitted according to the scheme. After knitting rows 1-39 will knit:
Row 1 (the front side): (1 front eye, 1 back eye)x3, purl all the stitches until the last 6 stitches, (1 back eye, 1 front eye) x 3.
Row 2 (back side): (1 front eye, 1 back eye) x3, all stitches front up to the last 6 stitches, (1 back eye, 1 front eye) x 3.
The last 2 rows will knit until the detail will measure 25,5 cm from the first row, the last row will be the back row.

In the next row are closed 46 stitches, knit back all stitches up to the last 6 stitches, 1 marker is fixed, (1 back eye, 1 front eye) x 3 = 46 stitches.
Decreases in meshes: In the next row will knit (1 front eye, 1 back eye) x3, 2 stitches together facing left, front all stitches until the end of the row. This decrease of stitches will be repeated 19 times every 2nd row = 26 stitches.

Next, it will be knitted in the following way:
Row 1 (front row): (1 front eye, 1 back eye) x3, 2 stitches together face to the left, knit all the stitches until the end of the row.
Row 2 (rand of): knit back all stitches up to the last 2 stitches before the marker, 2 stitches purl together, (1 front eye, 1 back eye)x3.
The last two rows are repeated 8 times = 8 stitches.
Next, the girl, all eyes close.
Tipar Shrugschema Shrug
From the edge of the left rear, with great care, mounts on needle 92 stitches. It will knit the right back and front side similarly to the left back side. Exceptions are the decreases of the stitches, which will knit as 2 stitches together front to the right.
Sleeve: It mounts on needle 60 stitches. Knit front first 30 stitches, 1 marker is fixed, knits front all stitches until the end of the row.
Next will knit 9 rows with jersey point.
Row 10: 1 front eye, 2 stitches together facing left, front all stitches up to the last 2 stitches before the marker, 2 stitches together front to right, 2 stitches together facing left, front all stitches up to the last 3 stitches, 2 stitches together front to the right 1 knit stitch = 54 stitches.

The last 10 rows are repeated still 3 times = 44 stitches.
Next it will knit straight with jersey point until the sleeve will measure 24 cm from the first row.
Knit 12 rows with rice point, after which the eyes close.
The second sleeve will be knitted in a similar way.
finishing: The seams of the clothes are made, guiding us by print.


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