aquamarine dress

Aquamarine dress

rochie aquamarinsize: 36;
Necessary materials:
350 g for cocoa (100% mercerized cotton, 240m/50 g);
Andrele no. 1,5

Knitting explanation:
The dress will be knitted according to scheme A. If the number of stitches mounted on the Andrea will not correspond to those in the article, they will be corrected according to the thickness of the thread and the sizes of the person for whom you are knitting the dress.

It is important that the number of stitches on the needle is divided by 20 (model report) + 2 edge stitches.
140 stitches + 2 edge stitches are cast on andrea. The detail representing the skirt is composed of 7 whole vertical ratios. The skirt will be knitted up to the 61st row of the scheme. For the waist line, In row 62, stitches will be decreased, knitting 2 stitches together purl. The following stitch decreases will be made in row 72 of the scheme. Row 72 in the diagram coincides with line AB on the dress pattern.

Rows 73-87 of diagram A are the center pattern of the dress and will be knitted up to the CD line on the pattern. If you want the dress to be fitted to the body in the waist area, the central pattern will be knitted with thinner yarns, but near the CD line, knitting with the initial yarn overs will continue.
For the top of the dress (of the line CD in their) stitches will be added for the bust line. These stitch additions are reflected in rows 89-103 of the diagram.

The addition of stitches will be done in the following way: The yarn between 2 front stitches of the previous row is passed over the working needle and knit 1 twisted front stitch.
After knitting a report for the upper part of the dress, the sleeves will be cut, then the neckline and shoulder line.
schita rochie aquamarin
For trimming the neck from the front, the stitches of the two central reports on the front side will be closed, then each part will be knitted separately. Knit straight another 6 cm from the neckline, after which the line of the shoulders will be made.

On the back, the neckline will be cut at the same level as the shoulder line on 3 reports (2 central reports, plus one half each of the adjacent reports).
The seams of the dress are made. The cut of the neck, of the sleeves, of the bottom edges of the dress will be finished with 1 row of crocheted legs and 1 row of raccoons.

Careful! The number of rows in the scheme is not fixed. You can knit more or fewer rows for each detail in the pattern depending on your preferences, body conformation, thread thickness. Also valid for cutting sleeves, neckline and shoulder line.


3 thoughts on “Aquamarine dress

  1. good evening, I can't find coco wire, can you tell me what to replace it with??

  2. Good evening!
    Replace it with mercerized cotton,which has the following density (you can find it on the product label) 30 stitches = 10 cm.

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