pullover mov

Pullover mov

pulover movsize: 34/36-38/40;
Necessary materials:
10/11 sculuri fir Charly (100% acrylic, 50g/114 m);
Andrele no. 3.5 and no. 4;
2 helpers;
Crochet no. 3.5.

Knit density: 18 stitches x 28 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Knitting explanation:
Spate: Put on needles no. 3.5 – 103/109 stitches and knit 4 cm (12 rows) elastic 1 x 1, starting and ending the first row with 1 purl stitch.
Next, it will be knitted with needle no. 4 in the following way: 15/18 purl stitches, 73 stitches according to scheme no.1, 15/18 purl stitches.
For the waist line, will be subtracted from both sides (of the elastic) in every 6th row 6 x 1 stitch and in every 4th row 2 x 1 stitch/in every 6th row 7 x 1 stitch = 87/95 stitches.
After 17 cm (48 rows) knit from elastic, will be added from both sides by 1 eye, in every 8th row 1 x 1 stitch and in every 10th row 4 x 1 stitch/in every 10th row 1 x 1 stitch and in every 12th row 3 x 1 stitch = 93/99 stitches.

After knitting row 56 of the scheme no.1, will continue with purl stitches and knitting pattern from scheme no.2, distributing the 57 stitches (report of the scheme) on the center of detail.
After 38 cm (106 rows) knit from elastic (coincides with row 37 of scheme no.2) , for cutting the sleeves, close from both sides in every 2nd row 1 x 3 stitches, 2 x 2 stitches and 4 x 1 stitch/ 1 x 3 stitches, 3 x 2 stitches and 4 x 1 stitch = 71/73 stitches.

After 54 cm (150 rows)/55 cm (154 rows) knit from elastic, for the shoulder line, close from both sides in every 2nd row 3 x 4 stitches and 1 x 5 stitches/ 2 x 4 stitches and 2 x 5 stitches. At the same time, the neckline will be performed, closing 13 stitches from the center and in every 2nd row 2 x 6 stitches from the neckline.

Face: The front is composed of 3 details:
Left side: Cast on knitting needles no.3.5 – 26/29 stitches and knit 4 cm (12 rows) elastic 1 x 1, starting and ending the first row with 2 knit stitches. The eyes fall on a helpful Andrea.
Central part: It is mounted on knitting needles no.3.5 – 51 stitches and knit 4 cm (12 rows) elastic 1 x 1, starting the first row with 2 knit stitches and ending the row with 1 knit stitch. The eyes fall on a helpful Andrea.semne conventionale pulovertipar pulover

Right side: Cast on knitting needles no.3.5 – 26/29 stitches and knit 4 cm (12 rows) elastic 1 x 1, starting the first row with 1 knit stitch and ending the row with 2 knit stitches. The eyes fall on a helpful Andrea.
All stitches are passed on knitting needles no.4 and knit in the following way: 26/29 purl stitches, 51 stitches according to the scheme no.1, 26/29 purl stitches. = 103/109 stitches.

For the waist line, will be subtracted from both sides (of the elastic) in every 6th row 6 x 1 stitch and in every 4th row 2 x 1 stitch/ in every 6th row 7 x 1 stitch = 87/95 stitches.
After 17 cm (48 rows) knit from elastic, will be added from both sides by 1 eye, in every 8th row 1 x 1 stitch and in every 10th row 4 x 1 stitch/ in every 10th row 1 x 1 stitch and in every 12th row 3 x 1 stitch = 93/99 stitches.

After knitting row 56 of the scheme no.1, will continue with purl stitches and knitting pattern from scheme no.2, distributing the 57 stitches (report of the scheme) on the center of detail.
After 38 cm (106 rows) knit from elastic (coincides with row 37 of scheme no.2), for cutting the sleeves, close from both sides in every 2nd row 1 x 3 stitches, 2 x 2 stitches and 4 x 1 stitch/ 1 x 3 stitches, 3 x 2 stitches and 4 x 1 stitch = 71/73 stitches.

After 52 cm (144 lines)/53 cm (148 lines) knit from elastic, neck trimming will also be done, closing 13 stitches from the center and in every 2nd row 2 x 6 stitches from the neckline. For the shoulder line, close from both sides in every 2nd row 1 x 4 stitches, 1 x 3 stitches, 2 x 2 stitches and 1 x 1 stitch.schita 2 pulover movschita 1 pulover mov
Concomitant, after 54 cm (150 rows)/55 cm (154 rows) knit from elastic, for the shoulder line, close from both sides in every 2nd row 3 x 4 stitches and 1 x 5 stitches/ 2 x 4 stitches and 2 x 5 stitches.

Sleeve: Cast on knitting needles no.3.5 – 56/60 stitches and knit 4 cm (11 rows) elastic 1 x 1, in row 12 (the back side of the work will be added uniformly 25 stitches = 81/85 stitches.
Next, it will be knitted with needle no. 4 in the following way: 12/14 purl stitches, 57 stitches according to scheme no.3, 12/14 purl stitches.
Will be subtracted from both sides (of the elastic) in every 8th row 8 x 1 stitch = 65/69 stitches.
After knitting row 56 of the scheme no.3, will continue with purl stitches and knitting pattern from scheme no.2, distributing the 57 stitches (report of the scheme) on the center of detail.

After 45 cm (126 lines) knit from elastic, will close from both sides in every 2nd row 1 x 3 stitches, 1 x 2 stitches, 13 x 1 stitch, 1 x 2 stitches and 1 x 3 stitches/ 1 x 3 stitches, 2 x 2 stitches, 11 x 1 eye, 2 x 2 stitches and 1 x 3 stitches = 13 stitches.
After 57 cm (160 rows) knit from elastic, close the remaining 13 stitches. The second sleeve will be knitted similarly.

finishing: The seams of the details are made. With the help of crochet, on the edge of the neckline crochet 2 rows with legs without jeteu.


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