pullover modern

Pullover modern

pulover modernsize: S (M , L , XL).
Necessary materials: 450 (500, 550, 600) g fir LANG YARNS ALICE,
Andre circular no. 4.5 and no. 5 ;
Bust circumference: 100 (106, 112, 118) cm,
Length 40 (41, 42, 43) cm.

Basic models:
Model no. 1 will be knitted with needles no. 4.5: 1 edge stitch, *1 ochi two, 3 front stitches, 1 ochi two*, it's repeating *-*, 1 edge stitch.
Model no. 2 will be knitted with needles no. 5 (twisted, on the front side of the work): *1 ochi two, 2 cross stitches to the right (on a helpful needle is taken 1 eye, andreaua after the work, 1 front eye, front eye on the helpful needle)*, it's repeating *-*, 1 back eye.
Model No. 3 will knit with knitting needles no.5: Point rice;
Model no.4 will knit with knitting needles no.5: It will be knitted according to scheme no.1;
Model no.5 will knit with knitting needles no.5: It will knit according to the scheme no.2. It will knit rows 1-40 of the scheme, after that the stitches will knit as presented and will continue with the addition of stitches on the center of detail.
Model no.6 will knit with knitting needles no.4.5: Purl 3 stitches, 2 front stitches.tipar pulover modern

Knitting explanation:
Spate: Mount on needle 102 (110, 116, 122) stitches and knit model no.1. After 8 cm knitted from the first row, in the back row will be subtracted evenly 0 (2, 2, 2) stitches = 102 (108, 114, 120) mesh.
Next, it will be knitted in the following way: 1 edge stitch, 16 (19, 22, 25) mesh model no.2, 9 stitches model no.3, 15 stitches model No.4, 20 stitches model no.5, 15 stitches model No.4, 9 stitches model no.3, 16 (19, 22, 25) mesh model no.2, 1 edge stitch.

In every 4th row, it will be subtracted from both sides 13 x 1 eye (knit 2 stitches together back).
Concomitant, in every 4th row is added to the detail center 13 x 2 stitches and 1 center stitch according to the scheme No.2 = 103 (109, 115, 121) mesh.
After 29 cm from the first row, for raglan line, close from both sides in every 2nd row 6 x 2 stitches, 5 x 3 stitches and 3 (4, 5, 6) x 2 stitches.
Concomitant, in the center of the central model will be added in every 6th row 4 x 2 stitches.
When the raglan line will measure 11 (12, 13, 14) cm close the 45 (47, 49, 51) remaining stitches.

The front part will knit as the back part.schema pulover modern
Sleeve: Mount on needle 42 (45, 48, 51) stitches and knit pattern no.2. In every 6th row is added from both sides 15 x 1 stitch = 72 (75, 78, 81) mesh.
The added stitches will knit with the model no.2.
After 39 cm knitted from the first row, will knit 1 row with all the stitches front, evenly subtracting 18 (19, 18, 17) stitches = 54 (56, 60, 64) mesh, after which it will knit the model no.3.

After 40 cm knitted from the first row, for raglan line, close from both sides in every 4th row 10 x 1 stitch/ in every 4th row 11 x 1 stitch/ in every 4th row 11 x 1 stitch and after another 2 knitted rows 1 x 1 stitch./ in every 4th row 10 x 1 stitch and in every 2nd row 4 x 1 stitch.
When the raglan line will measure 15,5 (16,5, 17,5, 18,5) cm, the 34 are closed (34, 36, 36) mesh.

finishing: All the seams of the sweater are made.
collar: Mount on needle 140 (145, 150, 155) mesh (rear 40 (43, 43, 45) mesh, sleeves by 30 (30, 32, 32) mesh, front 40 (42, 43, 45) stitches and close in circle. Knit with circular rows model no.6. After 24 cm knitted, all eyes close.


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