girl's sweater

Girl's sweater

pulover fetitaAge 4-5 years;
200g for purple (50% wool, 50% acrylic, 250m/100 g);
Cate 50 g fir orange, verde, violet, bey, yellow and pink;
Andrele no. 3;
2 black beads for eyes;
A button.

Knit density: 20 stitches x 27 rows = 10×10 cm.

Knitting explanation:
Face: Mounted on Andrea with green wire, 74 stitches and knit 8 rows of lazy stitch.
Next, it will be knitted according to scheme no. 1. Each colored part of the scheme represents the color of the yarn with which it will be knitted.
The decreases for the neckline will be achieved according to the scheme.

Spate: Mounted on Andrea with green wire, 74 stitches and knit 8 rows laziness point.
Next will knit with lilac thread, jersey point.
After 37 cm knitted from the first row, close 1 stitch in the center and each side will knit separately.
It will knit as 5 cm, after which the eyes close. The same is done with the second part.

Sleeve: Mounted on Andrea with green wire, 42 stitches and knit 8 rows lazy point.
Next it will knit with lilac thread, with jersey point, 4 more rows. In the last row it will be added from both sides by 1 eye.

Next will knit the model of the scheme no.2 and will continue knitting with lilac thread, continuing adding stitches. It will be added from both sides by 1 stitch in every 4th row until on needle we will have 54 stitches.
Will knit another 15 cm, adding from both sides 1 eye in every 2nd row.
After 26 cm knit from the first row, all eyes close.
The width of the detail will measure 30 cm.tipar pulover fetita
The second sleeve will be knitted similarly.

The seams of the sweater are made.
From the edge of the neckline, with purple thread, mount on needle 50 stitches and knit 8 rows with jersey point.
The next front row will knit in the following way: * 2 stitches together front, 1 life*, repeat *-* until the end of the row.

Next knit 8 rows with jersey point..
Knitted tape with purple thread bends, obtaining a serrated edge and sew on the edge on the back side of the neckline.
With lilac thread and with the help of a crochet is made a clasp. Sew the button on the back side.
Sew the mouth, nose, Eyes (see the picture).
Fix yellow threads of sufficient length at the base of the girl's head and weave two tails (see the picture).


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