sweater with sleeves 34

Sweater with 3/4 sleeves

pulover cu maneci 3/4A feminine sweater, with a mix of openwork patterns on the bottom edge.
size: S – M – L – XL – XXL – XXXL
Necessary materials:
6-7-8-8-9-10 sculuri fir DROPS BABY ALPACA SILK (70% alpaca, 20% silk, 50 g/167 m);
Andre circular no. 2,5 and no. 3;
Knit density: 24 stitches x 32 rows = 10×10 cm;

Knitting explanation:
The sweater will be knitted from top to bottom, circular. The beginning of a circular row corresponds to the middle of the back. The additions of stitches are made with the help of jeters. In the next row, they will be knitted crosswise.
On Andre no. 2,5 cast on 120-128-144-148-148-164 stitches and knit 4 circular rows with lazy stitch (1 row with all front stitches and 1 row with all purl stitches).

Next, knit according to scheme A.1. In row 3, 18-20-30-32-32-34 stitches will be added evenly, in the 11th row – 15-19-29-29-29-33 stitches = 153-167-203-209-209-231 stitches.
After knitting the model from scheme A.1, it will be knitted with a lazy stitch in the following way: knit the first 9-12-12-15-15-12 stitches, 1 marker is fixed. Next, 1 marker will be fixed after every 15-16-20-20-20-23 stitches. After the last marker there will be 9-11-11-14-14-12 stitches.

In the next circular row, stitches will be added, making 1 jeteu before each marker (10 stitches will be added). The additions of stitches will be repeated in every 2nd row of 0-2-0-3-7-7 ori, in every 4th row 10-10-9-9-8-8 times, in every 6th row 5-5-7-7-7-8 times = 303-337-363-399-429-461 stitches.

In the next row, 8-4-10-2-4-10 stitches will be added evenly = 311-341-373-401-433-471 stitches.
After 19-20-21-22-23-24 cm knitted from the first row, knit the first 45-50-55-60-66-74 stitches of the back half, the next 66-72-76-80-84-88 stitches for sleeve 1 are passed on an auxiliary needle, cast on 10-10-10-12-12-12 stitches for the sleeve cut, knit 89-97-111-121-133-147 stitches on the front, cast on 10-10-10-12-12-12 stitches for the sleeve cut, the next 66-72-76-80-84-88 stitches for sleeve 2 are passed on a needle, knit the last 45-50-55-60-66-74 stitches of the back half.
schema 2 pulover cu maneci 3/4schema 1 pulover cu maneci 3/4tipar pulover cu maneci 3/4
Next, the stitches of the back and front will be knitted , plus 20 additional stitches for the sleeve cuts = 199-217-241-265-289-319 stitches.
It will be knitted with needle no. 3 in the following way: it is knitted according to scheme A.2, 6 times according to scheme A.3, then according to scheme A.4. When the ratios of the schemes will be fully realized, it will be knitted according to scheme A.5 (in the 7th row, the last stitch will be knitted as front stitch).
It will continue with scheme А.6, in the first row of the scheme, the number of stitches will be brought to 204-216-240-264-288-324 stitches.

Then it will be knitted according to scheme A.7, follow the model presented in diagram А.8, 4-8-8-8-8-4 stitches will be added evenly in the first row of the scheme = 208-224-248-272-296-328 stitches. Knit A.X once for all sizes, after which 0 will be repeated-0-0-0-1-1 ori.
Next, it will be knitted according to scheme A.7, then knit as follows: schema A.2, scheme A.3 will be repeated 6 times, schema A.4. At the same time, first of all, 3-5-5-5-5-3 stitches will be added uniformly. Continue with knitting pattern A.7, which will be repeated by 0-0-1-1-0-0 ori.
Knit 2 rows of jersey stitch. In the last row, 17-21-23-25-25-27 stitches will be added evenly = 228-250-276-302-326-358 stitches.
It will be knitted with needles no. 2.5- 2 cm lazy point. The eyes close.

It will be knitted with a lazy point and with needles no. 2.5. The stitches for sleeve 1 are passed on the working needle. The stitches are closed in a circle and 1 marker is fixed. At the end of the first two circular rows, 6-6-6-7-7-7 stitches each = 78-84-88-94-98-102 stitches.
After 4 cm knitted, 2 stitches will be knitted together front before and after the marker. The decreases will be repeated after 1.5- 2- 2,5-3- 3,5-3,5 cm 7-6-5-4-3-3 times = 62-70-76-84-90-94 stitches.
When the length of the sleeve will measure 19 cm, it will be knitted according to scheme A.9. Then knit 2 rows with lazy stitch, after which all the eyes close.
The second sleeve will be knitted in a similar way.

finishing: The details are sewn under the arm.


4 thoughts on “Sweater with 3/4 sleeves

  1. Hello,

    I started working on this blouse but I have some doubts: it seems to me that the number of stitches it starts with is too small. Even if many additions are made, the result is a blouse with elastic, tight at the bottom and in the picture it seems to be right.
    The second confusion is related to the part where stitches are added, all that portion is worked on the face or lazy stitch?


  2. In the article I mentioned that the sweater is knitted from top to bottom (from the collar to the bottom edge_. It is also normal to start with a smaller number of stitches.
    If the number of stitches does not correspond to your size,adjust or buy a thread with the density mentioned in the article.
    If you look carefully at the pattern, you will see that it is a blouse on the bottom right. I don't see any elastic or narrowing.
    Read the article again. The description is ok.

  3. I am also working this blouse and only now I notice that the placket is worked in purl stitch- or point. lazy, on the job(as reported by Mrs. Anca). I'm sorry I didn't notice in the photo from the beginning. I did not understand this even from the explanations. To me, on the contrary, I worked according to the measurements of size S, although I have size L. The thread is thin with loops and thread no. 3

  4. See knitting explanation, turn starts with: On the andrels no. 2.5 is mounted 120-… and knit 4 circular rows with lazy stitch.
    The knitting of the bottom elastic is mentioned in the row above the description of the sleeve.
    When finishing, the knitting of the elastic is not mentioned, so it can be deduced that the beginning and end of knitting the sweater with lazy stitch represents the elastic of the sweater.

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