circular pink jacket

Circular pink jacket

jacheta roz circularasize: S/M – L/XL – XXL /XXXL
Necessary materials:
300-350-400 g fir DROPS ALPACA , cod 3112 (100% alpaca, 166m/50g)s
125-150-175 g fir DROPS KID-SILK, cod 03 (75% mohair, 25% silk, 200m/25g).
Circular thread no. 6 with a length of 60 cm and 80 cm.
Andrele set for socks no. 6
6 highlight
A helpful Andrea.

Knitting explanation:
The jacket will be knitted in the round, starting with the center of the back. One Drops Alpaca thread and 1 Drops Kid-silk thread will be knitted in two threads.
It is mounted on Andrea 12 stitches. The stitches are divided into 4 rows, close in circle and knit in the following way:
Row 1: From each stitch on the needle will be added by 1 knit stitch = 24 stitches.
Row 2: All front stitches;
Row 3: *1 front eye, from the next eye add 1 more front stitch*, repeat *-* until the end of the row = 36 stitches.

Next will knit the model presented in Scheme A1 (the report presented in the scheme will knit 6 times). When you will knit all rows presented in the scheme on needle will be 234 stitches.
In the eye in the center of each report will be fixed 1 marker.
Next, it will be knitted with jersey point, making 1 jeteu from both sides of each marker (in the next row, jeteurile will knit as twisted front stitch) = 246 stitches.

This addition of stitches will be repeated 1-2-3 times every 2nd row = 258-270-282 stitches with each 42-44-46 stitches between markers.
Then will knit 4 rows with lazy point without adding stitches (1 row with all the stitches front, 1 row with all the stitches back).

In the next row, all stitches will be knit front, simultaneously the stitches between the marker 1 and 2 are closed, for neckline sleeves close 32-34-36 stitches from the center between markers 2 and 3 and 32-34-36 stitches from the center between markers 6 and 1.
In the next row all stitches will knit back. From each stitch closed between the markers 1 and 2 will knit by 1 knit stitch and will be mounted on needle 32-34-36 stitches in front of those closed between markers 2 and 3 and 32-34-36 stitches between markers 6 and 1. The stitches between the markers 1 and 2 represent the shoulder line = 258-270-282 stitches.

Knit 2 rows with lazy point. The length of the detail from the center to the outside measures 31-32-33 cm.schema jacheta roz circularatipar jacheta roz circulara
Next, it will be knitted with jersey point, making 1 jeteu from both sides of each marker (in the next row, jeteurile will knit as twisted front stitch) = 270-282-294 stitches.
This addition of stitches will be repeated every 2nd row of 9-11-13 times = 378-414-450 stitches.

On the working knitting needles leave the stitches between the markers 2 and 4 = 125-137-149 stitches, the other stitches are passed on a helpful needle.
It will be knitted with jersey point, Two way, and at the end of each row the last 4 stitches will not knit and will pass on the helpful andreaua. It will knit in this way until the working needle will remain 37-49-61 stitches. The 37-49-61 stitches are passed on a helpful needle andrea.
On andreaua work pass stitches between markers 5 and 1 and knit similarly.

In the next row, all stitches will be knit front. Concomitant, will give each 1 stitch of each group consisting of 4 stitches gradually passed on the helpful needle andreaua (Attention! the wire between the stitches will twist to avoid the formation of holes) and will add evenly meshes, until the working needle will be 452-496-540 stitches.
Next will knit 4 rows with lazy point, 6 cm model shown in diagram A2, 2 rows lazy point after which the stitches are closed.

Sleeve: Mounts on needle 36-38-40 stitches. The stitches are closed in a circle and 1 marker is fixed. Will knit 4 rows with lazy point, after which it will continue with jersey stitch. After 8 cm knitted from the first row will add 1 stitch from both sides of the marker. This addition of stitches will be made after every 4-3.5-3 cm knitted by 10-11-13 times = 58-62-68 stitches.
After 53-54-56 cm knitted from the first row, close each 3 stitches from both sides of the marker and will knit with roundtrip jersey point.

In every 2nd row will close from both sides 3×3 stitches.
In the next front row are closed those 34-38-44 stitches remaining. The length of the sleeve will measure 56-57-59 cm.
The second sleeve will be knitted in a similar way.
finishing: The sleeves are sewn.


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