mohair jacket

Mohair jacket

jacheta din mohairsize: 36/38;
Necessary materials:
200 g for alb (30 mohair, 70% acrylic, 520 m/ 100 g);
Andrele no. 3.
4 buttons

Knit density: 27 stitches x 31 rows = 10 x 10 cm.
Knitting explanation:
Spate: It is mounted on Andrea 83(91) stitches and knit between the edge stitches 14 cm elastic 1 x 1 (1 front eye, 1 back eye), adding evenly in the last row 5 stitches = 88(96) mesh.
Next, the openwork pattern presented in scheme no. 1 will be knitted.
After 24 cm, knit from the elastic, for cutting the sleeves, close from both sides by 4 stitches and every 2nd row 1x 3 stitches and 2 x 1 stitch = 70(78) mesh.
After 38.5 cm knitted from elastic, for cutting the neck, close 12 stitches from the center and each side will knit separately.
From the neckline is closed every 2nd row 1 x 4 stitches and 2 x 3 stitches.
After 42.5 cm knitted from elastic, close the 20 (23) stitches left for each shoulder.

Front left side: It is mounted on needle 48(52) stitches and knit between the edge stitches 14 cm elastic 1 x 1 (1 back eye, 1 front eye), adding uniformly in the last row 7 stitches = 55(59) mesh. Will not add stitches on the first 7 stitches.
Next, it will be knitted in the following way: 1 edge stitch, 25(29) mesh model from scheme no.1, ending with the eye 3 (7) of the report, 2 purl stitches, 1 front eye, 19 stitches model from scheme no.2, 6 elastic stitches 1 x 1 ( 1 back eye, 1 front eye), 1 edge stitch.
Concomitant, of the elastic, for cutting the neck, will decrease stitches in every 4th row 6×1 eye and every 6th row 12(13) x 1 eye in the following way: in the front rows, the last eye of the scheme 1 will knit together the backside with the first eye back. After you subtract all the stitches of the model in scheme 1, will be achieved two more decreases of stitches in the following way: the 2 purl stitches are knit together back, then the front eye before the model in scheme 2 will knit together with the remaining back eye.
From the right, the neckline of the sleeve will be made as at the back.
After 42.5 cm knitted from elastic, close on the right 20 (23) stitches for shoulder, and the remaining 8 stitches are left on a helpful needle andrea.
tipar jacheta mohairschema jacheta mohair
Front right side: It will knit symmetrically the left front and with 4 rails.
The first will be made in row 7 of the elastic – it closes, after the edge stitch, the 3rd and 4th eye and in the next row they will be mounted again on andrea. The other 3 quilts will be made after every 12 knitted rows. The model in scheme 1 will start with knitting the first 1 (5) stitches before the report, then repeat the ratio 3 times.

Sleeve: It is mounted on needle 50(56) stitches and knit 3 cm elastic 1 x 1.
Next, it will be knitted in the following way: 1 edge stitch, 3 (6) stitches before the ratio of the model in scheme no.1, repeat the ratio 5 times and end the row with the first 5(8) meshes of the ratio, 1 edge stitch.
In every 12th row add from both sides 5 x 1 stitch and in every 10th row 3 x 1 stitch. Added stitches will be included in knitting the model in scheme no.1.
After 41,5 cm from the first row are closed from both sides by 3 stitches, every 2nd row 1 x 2 stitches, 2 x 1 eye, every 4th row 2 x 1 eye, every 2nd row 4 x 1 eye, 3 x 2 stitches and 2 x 3 stitches.
After 56 cm from the first row, close the 16(22) stitches left.
finishing: The seams of the jacket are made. The 8 stitches on the helpful needle will knit with elastic 1x 1. The resulting tape will be sewn from the edge of the neckline on the back side. Buttons are sewn.


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