Aqua Frieze jacket
size: S;
Necessary materials:
150 g fir Knit One Crochet Too Sebago (100% merino superwash);
Circular letters no. 3.5 and no. 3.75;
Crochet hook no. 3.75.
Knit density: 24 stitches x 28 rows = 10×10 cm.
Knitting explanation:
The jacket will be knitted as a single detail up to the cut of the sleeve, after which each part will be knitted separately.
Put on needles no. 3.75 – 198 stitches and knit rows 1-56 of the scheme.
Further, with knitting needles no.3.5 will knit in the following way:
In the front rows: 1 twisted front eye, 2 purl stitches until the end of the row;
In the back rows: the stitches will be knitted as shown.
It will be knitted in this way, until the length of the detail will measure 30.5 cm.
In the next row: knit 44 stitches for the front right side, are closed 11 stitches for neckline sleeves, knit the following 88 stitches for the back side, are closed 11 stitches for neckline sleeves, knit 44 stitches for the left front side.
Spate: close from both sides in each front row 5×1 stitch = 78 stitches, after that it will knit straight until the neckline sleeves will measure 19 cm, the last row will be purl row.
For the shoulder line, close from both sides in each front row 3×7 stitches.
The 36 remaining stitches for neckline, close in the next front row.
Front left side: Fix the working thread at the beginning of the neckline of the sleeves. At the beginning of each front row, for cutting the sleeves, will close 5×1 stitch = 39 stitches.
It will knit straight until the neckline sleeve will measure 8.9 cm, after which the neckline will also be achieved.
For trimming the neck, close 2×6 stitches at the beginning of each back row, 6×1 stitch at the end of each front row = 21 stitches.
It will knit straight until the neckline sleeves will measure 19 cm.
For the left shoulder line, close 3×7 stitches at the beginning of each front row.
Front right side: It will knit similarly to the left front side. Decreases for the neckline sleeves will be made at the end of the front rows, decreases for the neckline will be achieved at the beginning of the front rows, closing the stitches for the shoulder line will be done at the beginning of the back rows.
Sleeve: On knitting needles no.3.75 is cast 78 stitches. It will knit rows 1-56 of the scheme. Starting in row 50, it will be added from both sides by 1 eye. The additions of stitches will be repeated in every 6th row still 2 times = 84 stitches.
After 56 rows of the scheme will continue knitting with 1 twisted front stitch and 2 purl stitches.
Knit straight until the length of the detail will measure 32 cm, the last row being purl row.
In the next front row, are closed from both sides by 6 stitches and in every 2nd row 20 x 1 stitch = 32 stitches.
In the next 2 lines, will close from both sides by 10 stitches = 12 stitches.
The second sleeve will be knitted similarly.
finishing: The seams of the details are made.
The edges of the jacket will be finished with the help of the crochet, with 1 row crochet stitches without jeteu and 1 row steps of crayfish. The first row will start from the bottom edge of the right front part and end at the bottom edge of the left front part. After which we go back with 1 row steps of cancer.
Good morning.
I congratulate you on the models you present, mie imi plac foarte tare cipicii de pe site-ul dvs. 🙂
Aveti cumva idee despre cum se tricoteaza puloverele/jachetele acelea cu umarul inclinat (cusatura pe umar nu este dreapta, ci pica undeva in spate, chiar pe umar, un fel de raglan mai pe orizontala)? Multumesc anticipat pt raspuns.
Good morning!
Thank you for the appreciation. Aveti cumva o poza ca sa pot sa imi fac o idee?
Poza nu-mi apartine. Ceva de acest gen-am inteles ca asa faceau croitorii englezi de lux cusatura umarului la costumele de lux. Multumesc.
Dacă cunoasteti bine engleza, încercați sa căutați modelele designer-ului Norah Gaughan. La modelele ei am găsit acest finisaj al umărului.
Ok, thanks.
To this, Oana! Intamplator am dat peste o descriere a tricotarii genului de manaeca de care erai interesata/ Descrierea o gasesti aici: