the fox hat

Fox Hat

caciula vulpeCranial circumference: 42-46 cm;
Necessary materials:
Cate 50 g fir alb, orange and black (10% merino, 50m/50g);
Andre circular no. 8;

Knit density: 12 stitches x 18 rows = 10×10 cm.
Knitting explanation:
With white thread, 50 stitches are mounted on Andrea. The stitches are closed in a circle and knit 2.5 cm = 4 rows of elastic 1×1 (1 front eye, 1 back eye).
Next, it will be knitted with jersey point, adding 1 stitch = 51 stitches.
It will be knitted according to the scheme. In the scheme, each digit inside the contour represents the color of the yarn with which it will be knitted. When changing wire, They will cross on the back side to avoid the formation of holes.
schita2 caciula vulpeschita caciula vulpe
The decrease of meshes for the tip of the hat shall be made starting with row 31.
Row 41: 2 stitches together front x10, 1 front eye = 11 mesh.
The working thread is cut, leaving a longer end. The end of the wire is passed through the remaining 11 meshes. The thread is tightened and fixed on the back side of the work.
The fox's ears will be knitted according to scheme no.2. In row 6, The mesh shall be divided into two parts and each part shall be knitted separately.
In row 14 close the remaining 2 meshes for each side.

finishing: Sew the ears (see the picture).
The fox's nose will be knitted with black thread in the following way:
It is mounted on andrea 4 meshes. The eyes close in a circle.
Row 1: 4 front stitches;
Row 2: Add 1 front eye from each eye on the andrea = 8 stitches;
Row 3-4: 8 front stitches;
Row 5: 2 stitches together at the front × 4 = 4 meshes.
The working thread is cut. Pass through the remaining 4 meshes and tighten. The ends of the wire are fixed to the hat (see the picture).


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