bolero dream

Bolero for Snow

bolero snejAge: 5-6 years;
Necessary materials:
150 g for extra (50% wool, 50% acrylic);
Andre circular no. 3.5.
1 button with a diameter of 2.5 cm.

Knit density: 25 stitches = 10 cm.

The basic model:
Row 1 (back row): 1 edge stitch, * purl 3 stitches together, knit 1 front stitch from the next stitch , 1 back eye, 1 front stitch - after which the stitch is left from the left needle*, it's repeating *-*, 1 edge stitch.
Row 2 (front row): Between the edge stitches, all stitches will be purl;
Row 3: edge eyes, * from the next eye is knit 1 knit stitch , 1 back eye, 1 front stitch – after which the eye leaves off the left andreaua, Purl 3 stitches together, *, it's repeating *-*, 1 edge stitch.
Row 4 (front row): Between the edge stitches, all stitches will be purl;
Rows 1-4 are repeated.bolero snej spate

Knitting explanation:
The bolero will knit from top to bottom, starting with the sleeves and the back.
Mount on needle 60 stitches and knit 7 rows with rice point.
The raglan lines will be made next, stitches being divided in the following way: 14 stitches sleeve 1, 2 raglan stitches, 28 stitches back side, 2 stitches raglan line, 14 stitches sleeve 2.

It will knit with jersey point in the following way: 1 edge stitch, add 1 stitch between two stitches, 1 front eye, add 1 stitch between 2 stitches, 2 front stitches, add 1 stitch between 2 stitches, 28 knit stitches, add 1 stitch between 2 stitches, 2 front stitches, add 1 stitch between 2 stitches, 13 front stitches, add 1 stitch between 2 stitches, 1 edge stitch = 66 stitches.

Additions of stitches to the raglan line, which are made after and before the edge meshes and raglan lines, will be done in every 2nd row (the row on the front side) still 18 times = 174 stitches.
Further, on the edge of the right sleeve, for the front right side, mount on needle 30 stitches, 54 stitches of the right sleeve are passed on a helpful needle, knit front 70 stitches of the back side, 54 stitches for the left sleeve is left on a helpful needle, on the edge of the left sleeve, for the front left side, mount on needle 30 stitches. In total on the working needle we will have 130 stitches.

The first and last 5 stitches will knit with rice point until the end of the work, the other stitches will knit with 4 rows with lazy point, after which they will knit 24 rows with the basic pattern as follows: 5 stitches with rice point, 2 front stitches, all stitches will knit with the basic pattern up to the last 7 stitches, 2 front stitches, 5 rice stitch stitches. The last row will be on the front side of the work.bolero snej față

Then will knit 2 rows with jersey point and 3 rows with lazy point.
In the next front row, for folds, mark 48 stitches from the center. Every 3rd eye, behind the eye, will add how many 1 knit stitch = 146 stitches.
Knit 16 stitches with jersey point and 7 rows with rice point.

In line 4, knitting with rice point, a lock will be made in the following way: All stitches are knit with rice point until the last 5 stitches of the row, are closed 2 stitches, 3 stitches with rice point.
In row 5: 3 stitches with rice point, mount 2 stitches, knit with rice point until the end of the row.
After knitting with rice point of row 7, all eyes close.

Sleeve: The stitches of the sleeve 1 are passed on the working needle. The eyes close in a circle. Knit 2 rows with jersey point and 3 rows with rice point, after which the eyes close.
The same is done with the finishing of the sleeve 2. The button is sewn.


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