female bolero

female bolero

bolero femininA stylish bolero, knitted from cotton thread.
size: S/M – L/XL – XXL – XXXL
Necessary materials:
4-5-5-6 sculuri fir DROPS SAFRAN (100% cotton, 50 g/160 m);
Andre circular no. 3.5.
Knit density: 23 stitches x 30 rows = 10x10 cm.

Knitting explanation:
Knitting the bolero starts with the back, which will be knitted from the center to the side with circular rows. Then the sleeves will be knitted.
The additions of stitches will be made with the help of jets, which in the back rows will knit as purl stitches twisted back.

Spate: It is mounted on Andrea 12 stitches. The stitches are divided into 4 rows, 3 stitches on each needle.
Between eye 3 and 4 is fixed 1 marker, between eye 6 and 7 is fixed 1 marker, between the eye 9 and 10 is fixed 1 marker, between eye 12 and 1 is fixed 1 marker.
Next it will knit circularly after scheme no. A.1. (the scheme will be chosen according to the size) = 252-268-284-300 stitches. Each side of the patrt will have 63-67-71-75 stitches.

It will continue knitting with the first 63-67-71-75 stitches (stitches between the marker 1 and 4), the other stitches are passed on a helpful needle. In the next front row will knit in the following way: from the first stitch of the row is knit 2 stitches, 0-2-4-6 knit stitches, 61 stitches after the scheme А.2, 0-2-4-6 knit stitches, from the last stitch of the row is knit 2 stitches.
In the next front row will knit in the following way: 1 edge stitch, 1-3-5-7 stitches jersey point, A.2., the row ends symmetrically.
Only for sizes L/XL-XXL-XXXL: in the next front row will be added 1 eye from both sides. This addition of stitches is repeated in each row against 2-4-8 times = 75-83-95 stitches. Added stitches will knit with jersey point.

For all sizes: After achieving the vertical ratio of the scheme A.2 will knit: 1 edge stitch, 27-32-36-42 Jersey point, 9 stitches after scheme А.3, 27-32-36-42 stitches jersey point, 1 edge stitch
Two vertical ratios will be made after the scheme A.3 after which they will knit another 0-6-0-4 rows with jersey point.
In the next front row will decrease evenly 3-1-1-3 stitches and will knit 1 row back with all stitches purl.
It will continue knitting after scheme A.4 with all stitches, making 2-2-3-3 times the vertical ratio of the scheme.
Next will knit after scheme A.5, subtracting uniformly in the first row 0-0-2-0 mesh.
After knitting the vertical ratio of the scheme A.5, all eyes close.
The second part, the stitches between the marker 2 and 3 will knit similarly.
schema 1 bolero femininschema 2 bolero femininsemne conventionale bolero feminin
finishing: The sleeve stitch will be made at a distance of 27 cm upwards from the edges.
From the edge of the bolero, on circular knitting needles are mounted on needle 206-234-254-270 stitches as follows: 20-25-28-30 stitches from the sleeve stitch to the stitches on the helpful needle andreaua, 63-67-71-75 stitches on the helpful needle andreaua, 40-50-56-60 stitches along the edge, 63-67-71-75 stitches on the helpful needle andreaua, 20-25-28-30 stitches. It will knit 1 row with all stitches back is will fix 4 markers as follows: 40-47-52-56 purl stitches, 1 marker is fixed, 23 purl stitches, 1 marker is fixed, 80-94-104-112 purl stitches, 1 marker is fixed, 23 purl stitches, 1 marker is fixed, knit back all stitches until the end of the row.

The stitches between the marker 1 and 2 represent the neckline, those between marker 3 and 4 center of the rear part. On these portions will not be made additions of stitches.
Knit 1 circular row with all the stitches front, adding uniform 14-15-18-22 stitches = 220-249-272-292 stitches. The next circular row will knit with all stitches back.
It will knit after scheme A.6 with all stitches, adding uniformly first row 14-15-16-20 stitches = 234-264-288-312 stitches.
The vertical ratio of the scheme is repeated 2 times and in the first row of the ratio 2 will be added uniformly 24-30-36-36 stitches = 258-294-324-348 stitches. Stitches close loosely.


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