blouse menthol

Blouse Menthol

bluza mentolsize: 38
Necessary materials:
400 g of mint colored thread (50% cotton, 50% viscose, 425 m/100g);
Andrele no. 2.

Knit density: 24 stitches x 38 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Knitting explanation:
Spate: Cast on 113 stitches and knit 1,5 cm with jersey point, 1 row with all purl stitches on the front side and another 1.5 cm with stockinette stitch. The knitted detail bends, row with purl stitches in the middle and knit 1 stitch on the working needle with 1 stitch on the edge of the row of mounting the stitches, as 2 knit stitches together. Next it will knit up, 1 report by scheme no.1. Further the central rhombus will not knit, replacing in each front row the jeteul with 1 front eye. Then, Rhombus pattern will knit left and right with 1/2 ratio less, replacing in each front row, jeteurile on the central edge with front stitches.
After 22 cm knitted, in both sides will remain half a rhombus, the other stitches will be knitted with jersey stitch. Next will knit with jersey point another 14,5 cm.

For the neckline sleeves are closed from both sides in row 1 and 3 by 2 stitches, in row 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 by 1 eye. Row 7 and 9 will knit without subtractions.
Next will knit as 9 cm.tipar bluza mentol
For trimming the neck, close 33 stitches from the center and each side will knit separately. From the edge of the neckline, in row 2, close 1 eye, in row 3, – 3 stitches, in row 4, – 1 eye, in row 5, – 2 stitches, in rows 6 to 8, – 1 each. The 20 remaining stitches for the shoulder line are closed in the next front row. The second part will be knitted symmetrically.

Face: The front part will knit similar to the back side, but with the neckline deeper and the model in scheme no.2 in the middle. The model in the scheme no.2 will knit after 14 cm knitted from the bent tape, on those 34 stitches from the center.
The neckline sleeve will knit as at the back. After making the neckline of the sleeve, will knit 5 cm straight, after which the neckline will be performed. For neckline are closed 13 stitches from the center and each side will knit separately.

From the edge of the neckline, Close: in row 2. – 1 eye, in row 3, – 4 stitches, in row 4, -1 eye, in row 5, – 3 stitches, in row 6, -1 eye, in row 7, – 2 stitches, in rows 8 to 10, – 1 eye each, 11 rows, 13, 15, 17, – knits straight, in rows 12, 14, 16, 18, – they close by 1 eye, rows 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26 is knit straight, in rows 21, 24, – they close by 1 eye.
The 20 remaining stitches for the shoulder line are closed in the next front row. The second part will be knitted symmetrically.
schita bluza mentol
Sleeve: Mount on knitting needles 60 stitches and knit 1,5 cm with jersey point, 1 row with all purl stitches on the front side, 1,5 cm with jersey point. The knitted detail bends, with the row with back stitches, in the middle, and knit 1 stitch on the working needle, with 1 stitch on the edge of the row of mounting the meshes, as 2 knit stitches together. Next will knit the model of scheme no.1.
Every 6th row, from both sides add 4 x 1 stitch. Then they close from both sides: in row 1, 3 – by 2 stitches, in rows 2, 4-6, – 1 eye each, in row 7, 9, – will knit straight, in row 8, 10, – closes by 1 eye, rows 11 to 13, 15-17, 19—21, – knits straight, in rows 14, 18, 22, 25, 28, 31, 33, – they close by 1 eye, 26 rows, 27, 29, 30, 32 ,34, 36, 38, 40, – knits straight, in rows 35, 37, 39, 41-45, – they close by 1 eye, in rows 46-48, – by 2 stitches.

finishing: The seams of the blouse are made, on the edge of the neckline, starting with the middle of the rear part, cast on needle 140 stitches. Stitches are closed in circle and knit 1,5 cm with jersey point, 1 row with all purl stitches, 1,5 cm with jersey point. The detail bends the row with purl stitches, in the middle, and accurately sew on the back side of the work.


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