Vest with style

Vest with style

Vest with stylesize: 38/40
Necessary materials:
300 g for verde (70% acrylic, 30% lana);
Andrele no. 7.

Explanations knitted:
The back side: Cast on 54 stitches and knit 52 cm lazy stitch(all stitches will be knitted purl in front and purl rows). For the neckline, 16 stitches will be closed on both sides. The remaining stitches will be left on a helper.

The front side: Cast on 54 stitches and knit as follows: 8 purl stitches, 6 stitches face, 10 purl stitches, 6 stitches face, 24 purl stitches. In the back rows, the stitches will be knitted as shown.

Knit 6 rows, in row 7, the 6 front stitches for twisted will be crossed in the following way: 2 stitches are left on a helping needle, Andrea leaves after work. 1 eye girl, the stitches on the auxiliary needle are knitted in front. The next eye falls on a helpful Andrea, Andrea leaves before work. 2 front stitches, knit the front stitch on the helping needle.

The crossing of the stitches will be done in every 7th row.
The lateral twist on the left side is composed of 8 motifs (8 crossovers).After which the side twist on the right side will be knitted (24 purl stitches, 6 stitches face, 10 purl stitches, 6 stitches face, 8 purl stitches). The lateral twist on the right side is composed of 7 motifs (7 crossovers).The twist in the middle is composed of 18 motifs, including those on the collar.

After 52 cm from the first row, 16 stitches will be closed on both sides, and the remaining stitches will be left on a helping needle.
collar: The stitches on the auxiliary needles will be knitted circularly 14 rows. 2 more motifs from the central twist will be knitted on the stitches on the front side.
After 14 knitted rows, the eyes close.

sleeves: The side seams of the vest are made (pe 34 cm) and shoulder lines.
From the edge of the cut of the sleeves, cast on 50 stitches and knit 6 rows of lazy stitch. In the last row, 10 stitches will be decreased evenly.
Knit another 5 cm elastic 1 x 1, after which the eyes close.


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