Colored socks

Colored socks

Sosete colorateNecessary materials:
100 g for yellow;
20 g for alb;
25 g for pink;
Andrele no. 3.5.
Knitting explanation:
1. The front side of the socks will be knitted with lazy stitch and shortened rows.
With yellow thread, 22 stitches are placed on the needle and knit as follows:
Row 1:15 stitches with yellow thread, 6 stitches with pink yarn.
Row 2:12 stitches with yellow thread, 6 stitches with white yarn.
Row 3:9 stitches with yellow yarn, 6 stitches with pink yarn.
Row 4:6 stitches with yellow thread, 6 stitches with white yarn.
Row 5:3 stitches with yellow thread, 6 stitches with pink yarn.
Row 6:2 stitches with yellow thread, 4 stitches with white thread.
Row 7: like row 5;
Row 8: like row 4;
Row 9: like row 3;
Row 10: like row 2;
Row 11: like row 1;
Row 12: all stitches are knitted with yellow thread;
Repeat rows 1-12 one more time.
2. The leaf in the center:detaliu tricotare sosete
Row 1:7 stitches with yellow thread, 14 stitches with white thread.
Row 2:6 stitches with yellow thread, 12 stitches with pink thread.
Row 3:5 stitches with yellow thread, 10 stitches with white yarn.
Row 4:4 stitches with yellow thread, 8 stitches with pink thread.
Row 5:3 stitches with yellow thread, 6 stitches with white yarn.
Row 6:2 stitches with yellow thread, 4 stitches with pink yarn.
Row 7: like row 5;
Row 8: like row 4;
Row 9: like row 3;
Row 10: like row 2;
Row 11: like row 1;
Row 12: all stitches are knitted with yellow thread;
3. Knit rows 1-12 of the front side twice.
4. On the 44 stitches (22 stitches of side part 2 + 22 stitches mounted on the edge of side part 1) knit 5 rows with lazy stitch : 1 row with pink yarn, 2 rows with white thread, 1 row with pink yarn, 1 row with yellow thread.
5. From the edge of the toe of the sock, which corresponds to the center leaf, it is mounted on Andrea 10 stitches. The sole will be knitted with these stitches, with back rows turned. Stitch 1 and stitch 10 will be knitted together with 1 stitch taken from the side edges of the semicircle.
6. Sole, of 10 stitches, it will be knitted along the entire length of the leg.
7. From the edges of the sole, 34 stitches are mounted on the needle and the sides of the sock are trimmed to the desired height. Both the side edges and the sole can be knitted with a single color or with a sequence of colors (roz, alb, yellow).
8. The upper edges are finished with pink thread with 1 row of legs without jeteu.


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