Knitted dress for girls

Knitted dress for girls

Knitted dress for girlsAge: 2 years;
Necessary materials:
150g fir gri Givre3 (30% wool, 70% acrylic, 25g/107m);
Andrele no. 2.5;
Andre circular no. 3;
Crochet no. 2.5
3 buttons with a diameter of 14 mm

Knit density: 27.5 stitches x 40 rows = 10×10 cm.

Dress knitting explanation:
The dress will be knitted as a single detail from top to bottom.
The work starts from the cut of the neck.
Place on needles no. 2.5-133 stitches and knit 1 cm lazy stitch.
Next will knit round-trip with knitting needles circular number 3 model shown in the scheme, like this: 1 edge stitch, the first eye before the report, the report (from eye 2 to eye 11) 12 times, then knit stitches 12-21 after the report, 1 edge stitch.

After 51 knitted rows according to the pattern in the scheme, the number of stitches will be 263.
In row 52 (back row) it will be knitted in the following way: close 1 eye, knit according to the scheme 32 stitches (half back), leave on a helpful needle 67 stitches for the sleeve, cast on needle 14 stitches, knit according to the scheme 63 stitches (the front side), cast on needle 14 stitches, leave on a helpful needle 67 stitches for the sleeve, knit according to the scheme 32 stitches (half back), 1 edge stitch.

Knitted dress for girls Schema1
Knitted dress for girls Schema1schema 3 rochie tricotata pentru fetite

Knitted dress for girls Schema2
Knitted dress for girls Schema2

In row 53, will knit circular with the 156 stitches left in the work in the following way: the last stitch of the previous row is passed on the left needle and knit together the front with the following 2 stitches. In the center of each motif is added how many 1 stitch between 2 stitches. On those 14 stitches added from both sides will knit the pattern from the scheme (rows 54 to 82). In their center will be added 1 eye that will represent the center of the motif. Starting with row 83 will knit with jersey point.

After the stitches have been closed in a circle, add 1 eye to the center of each motif, every 26th row, 3 times = 220 stitches.
Knit as 24 rows, after which it will knit the model of the scheme number 2 starting with the first eye of the diagram. Knit 8 rows of the chart, after which the eyes close.

The 67 stitches of the sleeve are passed on knitting needles 2.5. Stitches are closed in circle and knit 4 rows lazy point, after which the eyes close. Similarly knit and the second sleeve.
finishing: Along the opening on the back side crochet 1 row crochets crocheted crochet without jeteu. On the left side of the opening are made 3 dockers. On the right side se sew the buttons in front of their cheotoare.


3 thoughts on “Knitted dress for girls

  1. Please explain to me what happens to the 14 stitches added and what is in the scheme a, b, c, d, is.

  2. The 14 stitches added will be included in knitting the model presented in rows 54-82.
    In print the letters a,b,c,d and e represents the measurements for the age of 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 18 months and 24 months.
    The description of the model is for the age of 2 years.

  3. Very cute model, I'm a beginner and might have helped me a video tutorial, do you have any suggestions?

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