sweater for boys

Sweater for boys

pulover pentru baietiAge: 6-9 (12-18) months.
Bust circumference: 55 (66) cm.
The length: 30,5 (35,5) cm.
Necessary materials:
3 (4) sculuri fir Cascade Yarns 220 Superwash (100% lana), 100 g/200 m,
Andrele no. 3.5 and no. 4;
A helpful Andrea;

Knitting explanation:
Spate: 74 is mounted on andre no. 3.5 (86) stitches and knit 4 cm elastic 2×2. In the last row, add 8 stitches evenly = 82 (94) mesh.
Next, it will be knitted with needle no. 4 in the following way:
Row 1 (the front side): The first 8 are knitted with rice stitch (14) mesh, a marker is fixed, knit row 1 of scheme no. 1, the ratio of 8 stitches of scheme no. 1 is repeated once more, a marker is fixed, knit 30 stitches according to scheme no. 2, a marker is fixed, knit row 1 of scheme no. 3, the ratio of 8 stitches of scheme no. 3 is repeated one more time, a marker is fixed, ): the last 8 are knitted with rice stitch (14) mesh.
It will be knitted in this way, making the models presented in schemes 1, 2 and 3.
After 30,5 (35,5) cm from the first row close 1×5 stitches and 1×4 stitches (1 x 6 stitches and 1×5 stitches) from both sides in the next 2 rows. The 46 (50) remaining stitches are left on a helper Andrea.

Face: It will be knitted like the back side up to 24 (28) cm from the first row.
In the next row (front row) knit the first 26 (30) stitches according to the schemes, the thread from another scul is fixed, they close on the 30th (34) stitches in the center, the row ends according to the schemes.
Next, each part will be knitted simultaneously, but with wire from different tools.
Row with stitch decreases (the front side), knit with the thread from needle 1 until the last 3 stitches, 2 stitches together front, 1 front eye.
With the wire from tool 2: 1 eye girl, 2 stitches together facing left.
In the next row back, the stitches are knitted as shown.
The last 2 rows are repeated 7 times.tipar pulover baieti
Each side will have 18 (22) mesh.
After 30,5 (35,5) cm from the first row close 1×5 stitches and 1×4 stitches (1 x 6 stitches and 1×5 stitches) from both sides in the next 2 rows.
The seam is made on the shoulder lines.

Sleeve: Fix 1 marker with 10 each (12.5) cm below the shoulder line both on the front and on the back.
From the edges delimited by the marker, it is mounted on Andrea 62 (70) mesh.schita1 pulover baieti
The first 18 are knitted with rice stitch (22) mesh, a marker is fixed, 2 front stitches (6 purl stitches, 2 front stitches) x3, a marker is fixed, the last 18 are knitted with rice stitch (22) mesh.
The next row: The first 18 are knitted with rice stitch (22) mesh, knit the ratio of 8 stitches of scheme no. 1 3 times, the last 18 are knitted with rice stitch (22) mesh.
It will be knitted in this way, there will be 3 twists on the sleeve.
At the same time, after 5 cm from the beginning of the sleeve, 1 stitch will be decreased from both sides in each 4th row of 9 (11) ori= 42 (46) mesh.schita 2 pulover baieti
Next, knit 16,5 (20,5) cm. In the last row, 8 stitches will be decreased evenly = 34 (38) mesh.
It will be knitted with yarn no. 3.5 elastic 2×2 – 4 cm, after which the eyes close.
The second sleeve will be knitted in the same way, with the exception of torsades, which will be knitted according to scheme no. 3.

collar: From the edge of the neckline on the front right side, knit 28 (32) mesh, they pass on work lane 46 (50) stitches on the back and 28 (32) stitches on the left front = 102 (114) mesh. Knit 9 (10) cm elastic 2×2. All eyes are closed.
The free edges of the collar on the front sides are sewn on the edge of the 30 (34) central eyes of the front part closed, the left edge will overlap the right edge.
The other seams are made.


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