Pullover mov

Pullover mov

Pulover movA sweater with ¾ sleeves, perfect accessory for skirts and dresses.
size: XS, S; M; L; XL
Necessary materials:
250 (300; 350; 400; 450) g fir mov Extra Soft Merino Cotton (70% lana, 30% cotton; 50 g/130 m);
50 g for pink;
Andre no. 3,5 and no. 4;

Knit density: 10 x 10 cm = 22 stitches x 30 rows.

Knitting explanation:
Spate: With pink thread, it is mounted on the andrels no. 3.5-88 (98; 108; 118; 128) mesh. Then, with purple yarn knit elastic 1×1, start the row with 1 edge stitch and 1 front stitch and end with 1 purl stitch and 1 edge stitch. Last dos, at the end of the row, add 1 purl stitch = 89 (99; 109; 119; 129) mesh.

Next will knit with knitting needles no.4, dividing the stitches as follows: 1 edge stitch, 4 front stitches, 80 (90; 100; 110; 120) stitches hemstitch pattern presented in scheme no.1. The ratio of the model consisting of 10 stitches will be repeated by 8 (9; 10; 11; 12) ori, 3 front stitches, 1 edge stitch.
It will be knitted straight, in this way, 24 cm.

In the next 2 lines, for cutting the sleeves, will close from both sides by 5 (5; 7; 9; 10) mesh. The next two rows are knit without decreases in stitches, then it will decrease by 2 stitches from both sides in the next 2 rows.

Further, in every 2nd row, from both sides, decreases by 1 eye of 4 (4; 5; 6; 7) or in the following way: 1 edge stitch, 2 front stitches, 2 stitches together front to left, knit the hemstitch pattern up to the last 4 stitches of the row, 2 stitches together front to right, 1 front eye, 1 edge stitch = 67 (77; 81; 85; 91) mesh.
schema pulover mov
After 40 (42; 44; 45; 46) cm knit from the first row, for neck trimming, knit 17 stitches, with another woolen thread are closed 33 stitches from the center and knit the other 17 stitches.
Further, each part will be knitted separately. From the neckline will close in each row 1 x 5 stitches and 1 x 3 stitches.
After 42 (44; 46; 47; 48) cm knitted from the first row are closed the 9 (14; 16; 18; 21) remaining stitches for the shoulder.

Face: Knit the same as the back, but with a deeper neckline.
After 34 (36; 37; 38; 38) cm from the first row, knit 22 stitches, with another woolen thread are closed 23 stitches from the center and knit the other 22 stitches.
Further, each part will be knitted separately. From the neckline will close in each row 1 x 3 stitches and 2×2 stitches and 6×1 eye.
After 42 (44; 46; 47; 48) cm knitted from the first row are closed the 9 (14; 16; 18; 21) remaining stitches for the shoulder.

Sleeve: With pink thread, on knitting needles no.3.5 is mounted 56 (60; 62; 64; 66) mesh. In the next row will knit with purple thread 3 cm elastic 1×1.
Then, with knitting needles no.4 will knit jersey point, adding from both sides 1 stitch from each 6th row of 10 (9; 7; 7; 2) ori, then every 4th row 0 (3; 7; 8; 16) times = 76 (84; 90; 94; 102) mesh.

After the 26th (27; 28; 30; 32) cm knit from the first row, ni shipowners 2 brands are closing from both sides 5 (5; 7; 9; 10) mesh, in the next 4 rows – 2 stitches from both sides and in the following 30 (32; 36; 36; 36) rows from both sides close by 1 eye, in the next 4 rows – how many 2 stitches from both sides and in the following 2 rows – 3 stitches from both sides.
In the next front row close the 14 (20; 18; 18; 24) stitches left.

finishing: Seams are made on the shoulder line, side seams. From the edge of the neckline is mounted on needle 124 stitches and knit 2 cm elastic 1×1, then with pink thread is knit another 1 row elastic 1×1, after which the eyes close.


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