Pulover Love

Sweater “Love”

Pulover LoveAge: 0-3 months/3 months/6 months/12 months/18-24 months;
Necessary materials:
3-4-4-5-6 sculuri fir Super baby (70% acrylic, 30% lana, 25 g/107 m);
Andrele no. 2.5 and no. 3;
Crochet hook no. 2.5;
Knit density:30 stitches x 40 rows = 10×10 cm;

Knitting explanation:
Spate: It is mounted on needles no. 2.5 - 71/75/81/87/95 stitches and knit 6 rows with rice stitch, after which it will be continued with a jersey stitch with yarn no. 3.
After 11 cm (44 rows)/13 cm (52 rows)/15 cm (60 rows)/17 cm (68 rows)/18.5 cm (74 rows), from both sides of the detail will be fixed 1 marker each, which will indicate the beginning of the neckline of the sleeves.
After 21 cm (84 rows)/24 cm (96 rows)/26 cm (108 rows)/30 cm (120 rows)/33 cm (132 rows), the neck will be cut, closing 27/31/33/37/41 stitches from the center for neckline and each side will knit separately.
Concomitant, the line of the shoulders will be made, closing every 2nd row from the outer edges 2×7 stitches and 1×8 stitches/2×7 stitches and 1×8 stitches /3×8 stitches/ 2 x 8 stitches and 1×9 stitches/3×9 stitches.
After 22 cm/25 cm/28 cm/31 cm/34 cm from the first row, all meshes will be closed.

Face: It is mounted on needles no. 2.5 - 71/75/81/87/95 stitches and knit 6 rows with rice stitch, after which it will be continued with a jersey stitch with yarn no. 3.
After 6 cm (24 rows)/8 cm (32 rows)/9 cm (36 rows)/11 cm (44 rows)/11 cm (44 rows) will knit the model 'Heart' on 15 stitches / 15 stitches -scheme no.1/17 stitches /17 stitches -scheme no.2/21 stitches -scheme no.3 of the center, stitches from the parts of the model will knit with jersey point.
After knitting the 18 rows / 18 rows / 22 rows / 22 rows / 28 rows of the scheme will continue with jersey point.
After 11 cm (44 rows)/13 cm (52 rows)/15 cm (60 rows)/17 cm (68 rows)/18.5 cm (74 rows), from both sides of the detail will be fixed 1 marker each, which will indicate the beginning of the neckline of the sleeves.
After 13.5 cm (54 rows)/16.5 cm (66 rows)/19.5 cm (78 rows)/21.5 cm (86 rows)/24.5 cm (98 rows), will close 3 stitches from the center and each side will knit separately.
After 19 cm (76 rows)/22 cm (88 rows)/25 cm (100 rows)/27 cm (108 rows)/30 cm (120 rows), the neck will be cut, closing from the inner edge 1×12 stitches/1×14 stitches/1×15 stitches/1×17 stitches/1×19 stitches.
After 21 cm (84 rows)/24 cm (96 rows)/26 cm (108 rows)/30 cm (120 rows)/33 cm (132 rows), the shoulder line will be made, closing from the outer edge in every 2nd row 2×7 stitches and 1×8 stitches/2×7 stitches and 1×8 stitches /3×8 stitches/ 2 x 8 stitches and 1×9 stitches/3×9 stitches.
The second part is knit similarly.
Schita tricotare Pulover Love
Sleeve: Mount on knitting needles no.2.5 -53/56/59/62/66 stitches and knit 6 rows with rice point, after which it will be continued with a jersey stitch with yarn no. 3.
In continue, from both sides after the first and before the last 2 stitches will be added by 1 stitch: in every 10th row 3 times/ in every 12th row 4 times/ in every 10th row 5 times and in every 8th row once/ in every 10th row 7 times/ in every 8th row 10 times = 59/64/71/76/86 stitches.
After 11.5 cm (46 rows)/16 cm (64 rows)/18 cm (72 rows)/21 cm (84 rows)/23.5 cm (94 rows), all eyes close.
The second sleeve will be knitted in a similar way.

finishing: The details are sewn. The sleeves will be sewn in space bounded by markers. From both sides of the front side the back will let loose 4 cm from the bottom edge (see the picture).
Bottom edge of the sweater, of the sleeves, the neckline will be finished with the help of crochet in the following way:
Row 1: with crochets without jeteu'
Row 2 (picots):* 2 legs without jeteu, 3 chain stitches*, repeat *-* until the end of the row.
Around the hemstitch model in the center will be fixed 16/16/18/18/20 bobulete that is knit as follows:
It is mounted on needle 1 eye. From this stitch is knit 5 stitches (1 front eye, 1 back eye, 1 front eye, 1 back eye, 1 front eye).
Row 1: The work returns – 5 purl stitches.
Row 2: The work returns – 5 stitches front.
Repeat rows 1-2 once again , then row 1 once.
In the next row, the working thread is cut, leaving a longer end. The end of the thread is passed through the 5 stitches and tightens.
It is made 2 laces of 2 threads of length 24 cm each and is fixed at the beginning of each part of the neckline on the front side. At the remaining free end of each string is fixed by 1 bob.


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