Asymmetric gray sweater front

Asymmetric gray sweater

Pulover gri asimetricGray sweater knitted with medium thickness yarn, with the asymmetric bottom edge.
The size of the finished part:
Bust circumference:
Extra-Small/Small 99 cm
Medium 109 cm
Large 119.5 cm
Extra-Large 129.5 cm
2/3 Extra-Large 150 cm
4/5 Extra-Large 160 cm

Necessary materials:
8-9-10-11-12-14 skeins of gray Bernat® Sheep yarn(ish) by Vickie Howell (70% acrylic, 30% lana, 85 g/153 m);
Andre circular no. 4.5 and no. 5;

Knit density: 18 stitches x 24 rows = 10 x 10 cm.
Knitting explanation:
Spate: 55 is mounted on circular andres no.5 (65-73-83-101-109) mesh and knit with rice dot, At the same time, in the next 7 rows, 1 eye will be added from both sides;, in every 2nd row 4×1 eye, every 4th row 4×1 eye = 85 (95-103-113-131-139) mesh.
Finally, 1 marker will be fixed on both sides.
Knitting with rice point will continue. When the length of the back will measure 35.5 (35.5-35.5-38-40.5-40.5) cm from markers and in the following 2 rows, for the neckline of the sleeves are closed from both sides 5 (8-8-10-12-16) mesh.
Pulover gri asimetric lateral
Next, subtract 1 eye from both sides in the following 5 (5-5-5-9-9) line, then every 2nd laugh of 3 (3-5-4-4-4) times = 59 (63-67-75-81-81) mesh.
After 20.5 (20.5-21.5-21.5-23-24) cm from the neckline of the sleeves, for the shoulder line they close from both sides 5(5-6-7-8-8)meshes at the beginning of the next 2 rows and 5 (6-6-8-9-9) meshes at the beginning of the next 2 rows .
The 39 (41-43-45-47-47) The remaining meshes are passed on a helper andrea.

Fata, Left side: On andrele no.5 are mounted 3 meshes. Place 1 marker at the beginning of the row. Knitting with dot rice and add meshes as follows:
Row 3: 1 eye girl, 1 back eye, 1 front and back eye = 4 stitches;
Row 4 and 5: point rice.
Row 6: will knit like row 4.
Row 7: 1 eye girl, 1 back eye, 1 eye girl, 1 front and back eyes = 5 stitches.
Row 8-10: point rice.
Row 11: At the end of the row add 1 eye = 6 mesh.
Row 12: point rice;
Row 13 : at the end of the row add 1 eye = 7 mesh.
Row 14: point rice;
Row 15 : at the end of the row add 1 bud = 8 mesh.
Row 16-23: will knit like rows 12-15, repeating them 2 times = 12 meshes.
Row 24: add 1 eye to the beginning of the row;
Row 25 : At the end of the row will add 1 eye.
Row 26-29: knit as rows 24 and 25 = 18 meshes.
Row 30: mount 2 meshes and knit with rice dot until the end of the row.
Row 31 : At the end of the row will add 1 eye.
Row 32: 3 stitches are fitted and knitted with rice dot until the end of the row.
Row 33: will be knitted as row 31 = 25 meshes. The working thread is cut.

The right side will knit symmetrically. After 33 knitted rows, the working wire does not cut.
Join the left and right sides (back row): knit 25 stitches of the right side. The work is coming back, It is mounted on Andrea 44 (56-64-74-92-100) mesh, knit 25 stitches of the left side = 94 (106-114-124-142-150)mesh.
It will be knitted in the following way:
Row 1: 15 (21-25-30-39-43) Rice point mesh, 1 back eye, row 1 scheme B, 2 purl stitches, row 1 scheme A , 2 purl stitches, row 1 diagram B in reverse, 1 back eye, 15 (21-25-30-39-43) Rice point mesh.

The neckline of the sleeves will be made at the same length and in the same manner as at the back.
After 14 (14-15-15-15-16.5) cm from the neckline of the sleeves, the neckline will be made in the following way: Knitting the first 17(18-19-22-24-24) mesh, Next 34 (38-40-42-44-44) Meshes are passed on a helper andrea, Knitting last 17(18-19-22-24-24) mesh .
Next, each part will be knitted separately;. From the neckline, 1 eyes will be subtracted from both sides in the next 4 rows and 1 eye in each 2nd row another 3 times.
The shoulder line will be achieved as on the back.

Sleeve: On Andre no. 4,5 Mounts 48 (48-48-52-56-56) mesh and knitted in the following manner:
Row 1: (1 eye girl, 1 back eye)x 8 (8-8-9-10-10), 4 front stitches, 2 purl stitches, 4 front stitches, 2 purl stitches, 4 front stitches , (1 back eye, 1 eye girl)x 8 (8-8-9-10-10).
Row 2: (1 back eye, 1 eye girl)x 8 (8-8-9-10-10), 4 purl stitches, 2 front stitches, 4 purl stitches, 2 front stitches, 4 purl stitches , (1 eye girl, 1 back eye)x 8 (8-8-9-10-10).
Row 1-2 repeat 5 times.
Schema Pulover gri asimetric
In the next row: (1 eye girl, 1 back eye)x 8 (8-8-9-10-10), (1 eye girl, add 1 face eye between two stitches, 2 front stitches, add 1 face eye between two stitches, 1 eye girl, 2 purl stitches) x 2, 1 eye girl, add 1 face eye between two stitches,, 2 front stitches, add 1 face eye between two stitches,, 1 eye girl, (1 back eye, 1 eye girl) x 8 (8-8-9-10-10) = 54 (54-54-58-62-62) mesh.
In the next row: (1 back eye, 1 eye girl)x 8 (8-8-9-10-10), 6 purl stitches, 2 front stitches, 6 purl stitches, 2 front stitches, 6 purl stitches, (1 eye girl, 1 back eye)x 8 (8-8-9-10-10).

Next it will be knitted with andrele no.5 in the following way: 16 (16-16-18-20-20) point rice, (row 1 of schedule B, 2 purl stitches)x 2 , row 1 scheme В, 16 (16-16-18-20-20) point rice.
It will be knitted in this way, next, the girl adding 1 eye from both sides and repeating this addition every 8 (6-6-4-2-2) row until on Andrea we will have 64 (68-72-64-70-94) mesh, then every 10 (8-8-6-4-4) row, Until Andrea we have 66 (72-78-82-96-106) mesh.
Tipar Pulover gri asimetric
The meshes thus added shall be knitted with rice dot.
After 44.5 (45.5-47-47-43-40.5) cm from the first row, close from both sides 3 (4-4-5-6-8) Meshes in the following 2 rows.
Next, 1 eye will be subtracted from both sides in each front row until 42 are left on the andrea (44-52-52-52-52) mesh, Every row until on Andrea we have 10 (10-12-12-14-16) mesh. Close all meshes.

finishing: The seams of the sweater are made. From the bottom edge of the front, It is mounted on andrew no.4.5- 178 (198-214-234-270-290)mesh and knit 10 rows elastic 2x2 (2 purl stitches, 2 front stitches). Close the stitches. The same is done with the back.
collar: On the front side, on knitting needles no.4.5, to be mounted from the edge of the neckline 15 (15-15-17-19-19) mesh, Knitting the 34 (38-40-42-44-44) stitches on the helpful knitting needles, decreasing evenly 9(11-11-11-11-11) mesh, to be mounted from the edge of the neckline 15 (15-15-17-19-19) Meshes and neckline meshes on the back side Salads on the training andreau = 94 (98-102-110-118-118) mesh.
The meshes close in a circle and knit 10 cm elastic 2 x 2 ( 2 purl stitches, 2 front stitches). In the next row, all eyes close.


5 thoughts on “Asymmetric gray sweater

  1. To this, Nina,
    Forgive me for bothering you. I'm still trying to model this plover – and the part of my chest doesn't come out at all – I am referring to the snakes included in the 46-mesh model. could you help me ?I could call you somewhere, or send a photo, explain to me what I did wrong…? please please.look incredible in picture. And I want the same:)

  2. Hi Nina! Unfortunately I also have problems with the model, He doesn't want my crosses to come out. I think the back lines are not described well or I have no idea… I've been wanting to make this sweater for a long time, And now I'm really disappointed that I can't knit it. Please much, if you can help me.

  3. The diagram doesn't even show the back rows. In the back rows you knit the stitches as they are. Description of signs is ok. Pay close attention to crosses, are the most painstaking.

  4. We did it!!! I am very happy. Thank you so much for what you do. I often visit your site and I really like the models posted. I made another sweater from here, It worked out very well for me and I will do more… Returning to this model, I realized that the back rows knit as they are, instead at the borders with the crosses of 4, respectively 5 meshes the description is reversed. I hope you don't mind the correction. Once again thousands of thanks.

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