Sweater with openwork leaves front

Sweater with openwork leaves

Sweater with open back leavesSweater with openwork leaves frontAge: 9 years;
Necessary materials:
250 g for Yarn Art Jeans;
Andrele no. 3,5;
Other helpers.

Description of the work:
The sweater is knitted from top to bottom as a single detail. It is mounted on Andrea 90 stitches. The stitches are closed in a circle and knit 7 rows elastic 1 x1.

In the next row, the stitches are divided as follows: 2 stitches raglan line 1, 25 stitches sleeve 1, 2 stitches raglan line 2, 1 eye on the front side, 2 stitches raglan line 3, 25 stitches sleeve 2, 2 stitches line 4, 31 back stitches. On the sleeves and on the back (25 stitches from the center) the model from scheme no. 1 is knitted. The added stitches and the stitches of the front side will be knitted in stockinette stitch.Scheme sweater with openwork leaves

Raglan additions on the back and sleeves are made every second row, on the front side in each row.
When the stitches on the front side will be equal in number to those on the back side, the additions of stitches will be made in every 2nd row up to the required dimensions.

When I got to the armpit with the knitting, the stitches of the sleeve are passed on the helper loops. It is mounted on Andrea with 5 stitches each, the stitches of the front part are knitted in stockinette stitch, it is mounted on Andrea 5 stitches, the stitches of the back part are knitted.

It is knitted to the required length (16 leaves), 10 rows elastic 1×1, after which the eyes close (preferably with the help of the needle).
The stitches of sleeve 1 are passed on the auxiliary needle. From the edge of the 5 stitches, add 5 stitches. The stitches are closed in a circle and knit straight up to the required length of the sleeve (16 leaves), 10 rows elastic 1×1, after which the eyes close.

Sleeve 2 is knitted similarly to sleeve 1.


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