Brick sweater
size: 36/38
Necessary materials:
360 g brick wire
andre no. 4
Knit density:
21 stitches x 29 rows = 10 x 10 cm
Brick sweater knitting explanation:
The back side will be knitted in stockinette stitch. Stitch decreases for the waistline, the cut of the sleeves, the cut of the neck, the line of the shoulders are shown in the diagram.
The leaf pattern will be knitted on the front side, see the sweater diagram.
The elastic of the sweater will be knitted with 2 cross stitches in each 2nd row (front rows) once to the left and once to the right.
The scheme is explicit and easy to achieve.
It's fantastic what you're doing, Mrs.! I send you all the effluvies of admiration!
Good evening,
nice please, help me with 'deciphering'’ to leaf model , Unfortunately I can't handle it, maybe I'm a beginner…Thank you in advance!
Hi Alice!
Conventional signs in the scheme are::
– ochi two
o – life
/| – 2 stitches together face to the right
|\ – 2 stitches together face to the left
& – twisted eyes face
—– Closed meshes (See RND 36 of the diagram).
thank you very much . Have a nice day!
Good evening,
I would like to ask, what is the meaning of the V symbol in the front diagram of the brick pluover.
Thank you very much for your reply.
V is the eye remaining after closing the 3 meshes (See RND 53) and represents the edge eye.
good evening,
thanks very much for the reply, and for all the beautiful things, and the patience to take the time to answer us.
Mrs. I would ask you if you have a pattern of knitted dress delana