Blue pullover

Blue pullover

Pulover bleuNecessary materials:
6-6-7-7-8-8-9-9 sculuri fir Rowan Wool Cotton (50% merino, 50% cotton, 50 g/113 m);
Andre circular no. 3,2 and no. 4;
A helpful Andrea.

Knit density: 22 stitches x 30 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Knitting explanation:
Spate: On circular road no. 3,5 is mounted 84 (90-96-102-108-114-120-126) stitches and knit 14 rows elastic 1×1.
Next, it will be knitted with needle no. 4 – 6 rows of jersey point. In row 7 will be added 1 eye from both sides, after the first 3 stitches and before the last 3 stitches. Knit 9 straight rows. The last 10 rows are repeated 4 times, then add 1 eye from both sides, after the first 3 stitches and before the last 3 stitches = 96 (102-108-114-120-126-132-138) mesh.

It will be knitted straight, until the length of the detail will measure 26 cm from the first row.
Next face, for neckline sleeves are closed from both sides 7(7-7-8-8-8-9-9) stitches and in every 2nd row, after the first 2 stitches and before the last 2 stitches will decrease by 1 stitch of 4 (5-6-6-7-8-8-9) times = 74 (78-82-86-90-94-98-102) mesh.
It will continue with the jersey point until the neckline of the sleeve will measure 19 (20-21-22-23-24-25-26) cm.
For the shoulder line, will close from both sides in every 2nd row 2 x 5(5-6-6-7-7-8-8) stitches and next row front 6 (7-7-8-8-9-9-10) mesh .
Cel e 42 (44-44-46-46-48-48-50) remaining stitches are left on a helper Andrea.

Face: On circular road no. 3,5 is mounted 84 (90-96-102-108-114-120-126) stitches and knit
13 elastic shaves 1×1. In row 14 will knit as follows: 19 (22-25-28-31-34-37-40) elastic stitches 1 x1, (add 1 stitch between 2 stitches, 3 stitches elastic 1×1) x 15, add 1 stitch between 2 stitches, 20 (23-26-29-32-35-38-41) elastic stitches 1 x1 = 100 (106–112-118-124-130-136-142) mesh.
Knitting scheme bleu sweater
Next will knit with knitting needles no.4 as follows: 16 (19-22-25-28-31-34-37) front mesh, row 1 of the scheme, 16 (19-22-25-28-31-34-37) front mesh.
It will knit in this way and according to the scheme another 5 rows.
In row 7 will be added 1 eye from both sides, after the first 3 stitches and before the last 3 stitches. Knit 9 straight rows. The last 10 rows are repeated 4 times, then add 1 eye from both sides, after the first 3 stitches and before the last 3 stitches = 112 (118-124-130-136-142-148-154) mesh.

It will be knitted straight, until the length of the detail will measure 26 cm from the first row.
Next face, for neckline sleeves are closed from both sides 7(7-7-8-8-8-9-9) stitches and in every 2nd row, after the first 2 stitches and before the last 2 stitches will decrease by 1 stitch of 4 (5-6-6-7-8-8-9) times = 90 (94-98-102-106-110-114-118)mesh.

Continue with the jersey point until the neckline of the sleeve will measure 8 (9-10-11-12-13-14-15) cm.
For neckline is knit the first 26 (27-29-29-31-32-34-34) mesh, the work turns and knits back. In each row, from the neckline will decrease by 1 eye, until on andrea will remain 16 (17-19-20-22-23-25-26) mesh.
It will knit straight up to the shoulder line on the back side.

For the shoulder line, will close from both sides in every 2nd row 2 x 5(5-6-6-7-7-8-8) stitches and in the next row front 6 (7-7-8-8-9-9-10) mesh .
The 38 (40-40-44-44-46-46-50) stitches from the center leave on a helpful needle.
The second part of the neckline is knit symmetrically with the first.

Sleeve: On circular road no. 3,5 is mounted 54 (58-62-66-70-74-78-82) stitches and knit
10 elastic rows 1×1.
Next will knit with knitting needles no.4 – 3 rows jersey point.
In row 4 will be added 1 eye from both sides, after the first 3 stitches and before the last 3 stitches. Knit 5 straight rows. The last 6 rows are repeated 2 times = 60 (64-68-72-76-80-84-88) mesh.

For cutting the sleeves, in the next front row, close from both sides 7(7-7-8-8-8-9-9) mesh.
In the next row facing, after the first 2 stitches and before the last 2 stitches will decrease by 1 stitch.
This decrease will be achieved in every 4th row 3 times, every 2nd row of 6 (7-8-8-9-10-10-11) ori, in every 4th row once, in every 2nd row once = 20 (22-24-26-28-30-32-34)mesh.
In continue, in every 2nd row are closed from both sides by 2 stitches 2 times and ni the next front row are closed the 12 (14- 16-18-20-22-24-26) mesh.

The details are sewn.
From the left edge of the neckline is mounted on the knitting needles no.3.5- 24 stitches, pass on andreaua work the 38 (40-40-44-44-46-46-50) central stitches on the front side, mount 24 stitches on the right edge of the neckline, pass on andreaua work the 42 (44-44-46-46-48-48-50)central stitches on the back side.
Stitches are closed in circle and knit 7 brands elastic 1 x1, after which all the eyes close.


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