Red tank top with white flowers

Red tank top with white flowers

Red tank top with white flowersAge: 4/6 years;
Necessary materials:
-150 g for rosu Phil Coton 3(100% cotton, 121m/50g);
Crochet no. 2, 5 and no. 3
Satin ribbon 110/115 cm
Ribbon with popcorn 100 cm

The density of the work: 26 stitches x 12 rows = 10×10 cm

Crochet explanation:
Face: Crochet a chain of 75/83 stitches with crochet no. 2.5. The first row of the scheme is crocheted with jeteu feet, after which it will be crocheted with crochet hook no. 3.
After 6 cm crochet = row 7 of the diagram, it will proceed to crocheting the model 2 – 10 cm (11 rows)/11 cm(12 rows).
Conventional red mayo signs with white flowersRed Mayo pattern with white flowers
The detail will end with the crocheting of the Model 1.
After 21 cm (22 rows)/22 cm (24 rows) crocheting, the sleeves will be cut. The sleeve will crochet on 16/18 stitches from both sides.

At the same time, after 22 cm(24 rows)/24 cm (27 rows) crocheting will be carried out neckline, omitting 5 stitches from the center.
The neckline and sleeves will be carried out according to the scheme.
After 33 cm(37 rows)/36 cm(41 rows) for the shoulder line remain 5/7 stitches.

Spate: It will be made as the front part except for the neckline:
After 31 cm (34 rows)/34 cm(38 rows) omit 9 stitches from the center and in each row from the neckline 2×6 stitches.
After 33 cm (37 rows)/36 cm(41 rows) for the shoulder line remain 5/7 stitches.

Scheme 1 Red Mayo with White Flowers
The scheme of the red maieu with white flowers for children aged 6 years

Scheme 2 Red Mayo with White Flowers
The scheme of the Red Maieu with white flowers for children aged 4 years

finishing: Details get wet and ironed easily. Perform the side seams and seams on the shoulder line.
With crochet no.3 on the edges of the work, crochet 1 row with crochet stitches without jeteu and one row in the following way: * 2 crochet stitches without jeteu, 3 chain stitches and one connecting leg in the next leg without jeteu*, it's repeating *-*.

The atlas ribbon is passed through row 20 (see the picture). Sew the ribbon with popcorn on the edge of the neckline and on the bottom edge of the mayo (see the picture).
Popcorn can crochet.


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