Knitted jacket with vertical stripes
Age: 3 years;
Necessary materials:
100 g fir alb Alize Forever Crochet (50% acrylic, 50% micro-fibra);
150 g fir bleumarin (cod 141);
Andrele no. 3;
7 transparent buttons.
Navy stripe: 4 rows lazy stitch (the stitches will be knitted face in both front rows and purl rows).
White stripe (65 stitches):
Row 1: Knit the first 35 stitches. The working thread is passed after the 36th stitch. The work is turned and knitted purl, to bat, the 35 stitches.
Row 3: Knitted front 35 stitches, The thread before eye 36 rises on Andrea and knits together with eye 36, then knit front 19 more stitches = 55 stitches. The working wire is passed after eye 56, The work returns and knits in the following way: 20 purl stitches, (1 life, Purl 2 stitches together) x16, Purl 3 stitches.
Row 5: 35 front stitches, (1 life, 2 stitches together front) x 10, The thread before eye 56 lifts on Andrea and knits together with eye 56, then knit front 10 more stitches = 65 stitches.
Row 6: All purl stitches.
Knitted a navy blue stripe, then a white stripe.
Description of the work:
The jacket will be knitted with abbreviated rows, from the front right to the front left.
The front right side will be composed of 6 navy blue stripes and 5 white stripes. Knitting with navy blue stripe begins, Then follows a white stripe etc. The last stripe on the front right side will be navy blue.
After, It will knit the sleeve in the following way: The first 35 stitches on the andrea are left on a helper andrea.
The sleeve will be knitted on the next 30 stitches as follows:
The first stripe will be white. Knitting front first 20 stitches, the working wire is passed after eye 21, The work turns over and knits all 20 stitches. In the next row: 2 front stitches, (1 life, 2 stitches together front) x9, The thread before eye 21 rises on Andrea and knits together face with eye 21, 9 stitches face. The next row is the back row and all meshes will be knitted inside out. Then comes the navy blue stripe with 4 rows lazy dot.
The sleeve consists of 8 white stripes and 8 navy blue stripes, the last stripe being navy blue.
Next comes the back. The 35 stitches on the navy blue stripe on the front right side are passed on the working andreau together with the 30 stitches on the 8th navy blue stripe of the sleeve.
10 white stripes and 10 navy blue stripes will be knitted. The back starts with a white stripe and ends with a navy blue stripe.
After, Next up is the second sleeve. Pass the first 35 meshes on a helper andrea. Knitting the second sleeve just like the first.
Then, pass all meshes on the working andreau and knit the front left side. The front left side is composed of 5 white stripes and 5 navy blue. The first stripe will be white.
After knitting the last navy blue stripe of the front left, the stitches are passed on a helping Andrea.
finishing: From the bottom edge of the jacket is mounted on andrea, with navy blue thread, 160 stitches. Knitting 8 rows elastic 1×1, then the eyes close.
From the lateral edge of the front left side, 7 meshes + 65 meshes of the training andrea = 72 meshes are mounted on the andrea. Knitting 4 rows elastic 1×1, Then they will knit them(2 stitches together, 1 life): the first located 1 cm from the edge, the other 5 to 4 cm distance from each other. Then follows 4 rows elastic 1×1, after which the eyes close.
The same will be done with the elastic of the front right side, except lacers.
From the top edge of the jacket , only from the edge of the navy blue stripes + the elastic edges of the front parts is mounted on Andrea Mesh. Knitting 4 rows elastic 1 x1, in row 5 a lacing is performed on the stripe with keotors, Then they will knit 4 more rows elastic 1×1. Eyes close.
From the edge of the sleeve is mounted on andrea 54 meshes. Knitting 5 rows elastic 1×1, then the eyes close. The same is done with the second sleeve.
Buttons are sewn.
for a 9 year old girl how would I do it ? I like it a lot and I've never worked this way.thanks in advance if you could help me
Good evening!
Create your stencil like this:
1. Measure where you want the elastic to be under your armpits (can be 2-3 cm and below the armpit).
2. The second measure is from the armpit to the place where the 'collar' will begin.
3. The third measure is from the beginning of the collar to near the base of the neck.
Then, depending on the wire you have, knit a sample of 10 stitches in 10 rows and measure it lengthwise and widely;. Calculate the total mesh count and on each of the 3 segments and determine the number of rows of the model.
On the thread label you can also find information like 20 meshes x 30 rows = 10 x 10 cm.
And start knitting, You are also guided by the description made.
Good luck!