circular jacket

Circular jacket

jacheta circularaA jacket with an exclusive design.
size: S/M – L/XL – XXL /XXXL
Bust circumference: 88/96 – 104/114 – 126/138 cm.
Necessary materials:
850-950-1000 g for DROPS Alaska (100% wool; 50 g/70 m);
Andre circular no. 7.
Knit density: 14 stitches x 17 rows = 10 x 10 cm.
Lazy stitch with back and forth rows
1 segment = 2 rows in which the stitches are knit front.

The pattern on the edges;
Row 1 (the front side): all front stitches;
Row 2 (back side): purl all stitches;
Row 3 (the front side): all front stitches;
Row 4 (back side): all front stitches;
Rows 1-4 are repeated.

The torsade pattern will be knit according to the scheme A1 and A2.

Short rows:schita jacheta circulara
1. Knit the first 10 stitches, the thread of work is passed on after the eye 11 that is not knit, the work turns on the back side and knits back.
2. Knit the first 41 stitches, the working thread is passed after the eye 42 that is not knit, the work turns on the back side and knits back.
3. Knit the first 57-63-69 stitches, the thread of work is passed on after the eye 58-64-70 that is not knit, the work turns on the back side and knits back.
4. Knit all stitches before, the work turns and knits back all stitches.
Repeat the short rows 1-4.

Knitting explanation Circular jacket:

Front and back side:
Knit with round-trip rows with circular knitting needles.
Mount on needle 98-104-110 stitches and knit 1 segment with lazy point.

Next you will knit with short rows in the following way:
Row 1 (the front side): 5 stitches lazy stitch, 2 front stitches, Purl 3 stitches, 2 front stitches, Purl 3 stitches, model A.1 (= 10 stitches), Purl 3 stitches, model A.2 (= 10 stitches), Purl 3 stitches, 2 front stitches, 12-18-24 stitches pattern on the edges (see model description), 2 front stitches, Purl 3 stitches, model A.2 (= 10 stitches), Purl 3 stitches, 2 front stitches, Purl 3 stitches, 2 front stitches, 18 stitches lazy point.

It will knit in this way until the narrow part will measure 40-41-43 cm and the wide one 160-164-172 cm. Then, knit 1 segment with lazy point. All stitches are closed.
The second half will knit similarly.

finishing: Each detail is placed side over side and sewed on the edge.
The two circular details sew 58-62 cm on the center (5-meshed side edges next to the torsades, see the picture).


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