
Knitted house slippers (slippers)

ciupiciCast on 59 stitches and knit 2 cm double elastic.
The center stitch of the 59 stitches is stitch 30. 3 stitches will be knitted from this stitch in each front row (1 front eye, 1 life, 1 front eye).

I knitted the sides of the clips in the following way:
Row 1 (with white thread): 1 front eye, * 1 eye is taken on Andrea, like a back eye, without knitting, 1 front eye, repeat from * to the end of the row.
Row 2 (with white thread): 1 front eye, * the working thread before the work, it takes Andrea 1 eye, like a back eye, without knitting, thread after work, 1 front eye, repeat from * to the end of the row.
Row 3 (with blue thread): 2 front stitches, * 1 eye is taken on Andrea, like a back eye, without knitting, 1 front eye, repeat from * to the last stitch, 1 front eye.
Row 4 (with blue thread): 2 front stitches, * the working thread before the work, it takes Andrea 1 eye, like a back eye, without knitting, thread after work, 1 front eye, repeat from * to the last stitch, 1 front eye.
Repeat rows 1-4.
It will be knitted according to the description presented above, to the required length.

Then the stitches are divided into 3 rows: x stitches on round 1, 13 stitches on needle 2, y eyes on Andrea 3 (x=y).
With the 13 stitches in the center, the sole and the heel will be knitted in the following way:
Knit front 12 stitches from row 2, the 13th stitch on row 2 is knitted together with the first stitch on row 3. The work is coming back. Purl 12 stitches from row 2, the 13th stitch on needle 2 is knitted together with the first stitch on needle 1, etc.
It is knitted in this way, until we are left with the 13 stitches of needle 2.
For heels, from the edge of the sides, 1 stitch is mounted on the andrea, which will be knitted together with stitch 13 on row 2.


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