Butterfly hat

Butterfly Hat

Caciula FluturasA little hat for a little butterfly.
Age: 1-2 years;
Necessary materials;
50 g fir galben Baby Micro (51% virgin wool, 49% acrylic);
20 g of blue thread;
20 g for pink
Andre circular no. 3
Crochet no. 3.
12 beads.
2 highlight

Knitting explanation:
With yellow thread, 130 stitches are mounted on Andrea. The eyes close in a circle, the place is marked with a marker, and knit 8 rows of elastic 2×2 (2 front stitches, 2 purl stitches).
Next, it will be knitted in stockinette stitch in the following way: 2 circular rows with blue thread, 1 row with yellow wire, 2 rows with pink thread, 1 row with yellow wire, 2 rows with blue wire.

Further, the stitches are divided as follows: 63 meshes, 1 marker is fixed, 4 stitches, 1 marker is fixed, 63 meshes.
On the 4 meshes between the markers will be knitted the pattern shown in scheme no. 1 that will represent the body of the butterfly. Mesh outside markers will be knitted with jersey point.
Schema Caciula Fluturas
After knitting the pattern shown in the scheme, 3 more rows with jersey point will be knitted, after which the top of the hat will be made in the following way:
Row 1: * 11 front meshes, 2 stitches together front to left*, repeat *-* until end of row = 120 meshes.
Row 2 and all even meshes: all front stitches;
Row 3: * 10 front stitches, 2 stitches together front to left*, repeat *-* until the end of the row = 110 stitches.
Row 5: * 9 front stitches, 2 stitches together front to left*, repeat *-* to the end of row = 100 meshes.

The mesh reduction will be carried out in this way until 10 meshes remain on the andrea.
The working thread is cut, leaving an end 10-15 cm long. The end of the thread is passed through the remaining stitches. The thread is tightened and fixed on the back of the hat.

Butterfly wings: With yellow thread knit 2 large wings according to scheme no.2 and 2 smaller wings according to scheme no.3.
With the help of crochet and pink thread, finish the edges of the wings with 1 row of feet without jeteus.
A string is made of yellow and pink thread that will represent the antennae of the butterfly.
Sew wings, Fasten antennas. On the body of the butterfly sew beads (see the picture).


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