Christmas hat

Christmas hat

Caciula CraciunitaAge: 0-3 months (3-6 months) (6-12 months)(12-24 months)(24-48 months)(5-10 years)(Adult);
Cranial circumference:
(0-3 months) – 33-36 cm;
(3-6 months) – 38-43 cm;
(6-12 months) -44-45 cm
(12-24 months) – 47-50 cm;
(24-48 months) -51-52 cm;
(5-10 years) – 53-54 cm;
(Adult) – 56-58 cm.

Necessary materials:
50 g for gros de colore alba Wool Ease Thick & Quick ;
50 g fir grosu rosu Wool Ease Thick & Quick ;
Andre circular no. 9.

Knit density: 10 stitches = 10 cm;
Knitting explanation:
With white thread is mounted on needle 24(28)(32)(36)(40)(44)(48) mesh. Stitches are closed in circle and knit 6(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12) elastic rows 1×1 (1 front eye, 1 back eye).
Next will knit with red thread 10(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16) rows with jersey point (all front stitches).

The top of the hat (decreases in meshes):
Adult size only:
Row 1: (10 front stitches, 2 stitches together front) – until the end of the row = 44 stitches.
Row 2: All front stitches;

Only for size 5-10 years and Adult:
Row 3: (9 front stitches, 2 stitches together front) – until the end of the row = 40 stitches.
Row 4: All front stitches;

Only for the size of 24-48 months, 5-10 years old and Adult:
Row 5: (8 front stitches, 2 stitches together front) – until the end of the row = 36 stitches.
Row 6: All front stitches;

Only for the size of 12-24 months, 24-48 months, 5-10 years old and Adult:
Row 7: (7 front stitches, 2 stitches together front) – until the end of the row = 32 stitches.
Row 8: All front stitches;

Only for the size of 6-12 months, 12-24 months, 24-48 months, 5-10 years old and Adult:
Row 9: (6 front stitches, 2 stitches together front) – until the end of the row = 28 stitches.
Row 10: All front stitches;

Only for the size of 3-6 months, 6-12 months, 12-24 months, 24-48 months, 5-10 years old and Adult:
Row 11: (5 front stitches, 2 stitches together front) – until the end of the row = 24 stitches.
Row 12: All front stitches;

Only for the size of 0-3 months (3-6 months)(6-12 months)(12-24 months)(24-48 months)(5-10 years)(Adult):
Row 13: (4 front stitches, 2 stitches together front) – until the end of the row = 20 stitches.

Row 14: All front stitches;
Row 15: (3 front stitches, 2 stitches together front) – until the end of the row = 16 stitches.
Row 16: All front stitches;
Row 17: (2 front stitches, 2 stitches together front) – until the end of the row = 12 stitches.
Row 18: All front stitches;

Row 19: (1 front eye, 2 stitches together front – until the end of the row = 8 stitches.
Row 20: All front stitches;
Row 21: (2 stitches together front) – until the end of the row = 4 stitches.

The working thread is cut, leaving one end of 10 cm long. The thread is passed through the 4 remaining stitches, it is tightened and fixed on the back side of the work.
With white thread, a pompon with a diameter of 7.5 cm is made and fixed at the top of the hat.


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