bolero sic girl

Chic and elegant bolero

bolero sicA bolero recommended for special occasions.

Necessary materials:
200 g fried alb Nako Kid Moher (50% mohair, 50% acrylic, 440m/100g);
Andrele no. 5

Knitting explanation:
Spate: Cast on 76 stitches and knit 2 cm jersey stitch.
To cut the sleeves, close from both sides in every 2nd row (front row) 2×2 stitches and 1×1 eye.

Next it will be knitted straight, with stockinette stitch another 24 cm.
For the shoulder line, 11 stitches are closed on both sides and in the next front row the remaining 44 stitches for the neckline.

bolero sic spate
Front right side:
It is mounted on andrea 8 stitches. It will be knitted with jersey point. In every 2nd row (front row), for a rounded edge, 1 eye is added 8 times.
When the length of the detail measures 2 cm, the sleeve will be cut (stitches are closed on the right edge) in every 2nd row (front row) close 2×2 stitches and 1×1 eye.

Next it will be knitted straight, with stockinette stitch another 24 cm.
In the next front row, close the remaining 11 stitches for the shoulder line.

The second front side will be knitted symmetrically with the first.

Sleeve: Cast on 62 stitches and knit 1 cm with jersey stitch, *1 row with all purl stitches on the front, 1.5 cm jersey point, 1 row with all purl stitches on the front side, 2 rows stocking stitch*. Repeat *-* 4 times.
Tipar bolero sicWhen the length of the sleeve will measure 6 cm, close from both sides in every 2nd row 1×3 stitches, 1×2 stitches and 14×1 eye.
When the length of the sleeve will measure 12 cm, close the remaining 24 stitches.
Similarly, the second sleeve will be knitted.

The side seams are done, the seams on the shoulder line. The sleeves are sewn.
The ruffles will be knitted in the round. It is mounted on andrea (from the back edge, the front parts and the cut of the neck) 170 stitches, and knit with jersey stitch in the following way: * 3 front stitches, 1 life*. In the next row, all stitches are knitted as shown, the jets as front meshes.
These additions will be made twice in every 2nd row.
When the length of the frills will measure 4 cm, all eyes close.


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