Striped bolero for girls

Striped bolero for girls

Striped bolero for girlsAge: 1-2 years;
Necessary materials:
100 g bright pink thread (75% lana, 25% cashmere, 116m/50g);
50 g for verde;
100 g light pink thread;
50 g for verde aprins;
andre no. 3 and no. 4;
1 button.
The density of the work: 22 stitches x 28 rows = 10×10 cm;

Description of the work:
Spate: On the andrels no. 4, with bright pink thread, cast on 67 stitches and knit jersey stitch, alternating the color of the stripes in the following way: 6 rows bright pink, 2 rows green, 6 light pink rows, 2 bright green rows.
Will knit as 48 rows, and the width of the back part should be about 31 cm.
Then, the sleeves will be cut. In each row will decrease by 1 stitch from both sides 8 times = 51 stitches. After the decreases, will knit straight until the length of the sleeve neckline will be 14 cm.

For the shoulder line, will be subtracted from both sides by 7 stitches in every 2nd row of 2 times = 23 stitches.
The remaining stitches will close.

Front left side: On the andrels no. 4, with bright pink thread, mount 16 stitches and knit jersey point, alternating the color of the stripes in the following way: 6 rows bright pink, 2 rows green, 6 light pink rows, 2 bright green rows.
Row 1 (the front side): Will knit front all stitches, up to the last 2 stitches. From the next eye is added 1 more face stitch, 1 knit stitch = 17 stitches.
Row 2 (back side): 1 edge stitch, from the next eye add 1 purl stitch, all stitches dos = 18 stitches;
Add stitches in this manner and in the following 4 rows = 22 stitches.
Then will knit 12 rows: in row 5 add 1 stitch and 1 stitch in every 2nd row = 28 stitches.
Then knit another 9 rows, first of all add 1 stitch and 1 stitch in every 4th row = 31 stitches.

Next will knit as another 21 rows, after which the neckline of the sleeves will be made in the following way: knit 2 stitches together on the front, knits front all stitches up to the last 2 stitches, 2 stitches together front = 29 stitches;
In the next row is knit back all stitches to the last 2, 2 stitches together back = 28 stitches;
Knit another 4 rows, subtracting in each row 1 eye on the side of the sleeve neckline.
At the same time, decreases will be made for the neckline, subtracting by 1 stitch on the neckline side in every 3rd row = 21 stitches.

Will knit 25 rows: subtracting how many 1 stitch from the neckline in row 1 and 1 stitch in every 4th row = 14 stitches.
It will knit straight up to the shoulder line on the back side.
In the next row, front row, close 7 stitches, the following stitches are knit front. In the next row all stitches are knit back, then the remaining stitches are closed.
The right front side will be knitted symmetrically with the left side.Striped bolero pattern for girls

Sleeve: On the andrels no. 3, with light pink thread, mount 40 stitches. In the next row is knit 1 row front with green thread and 1 front row with light pink thread.
Then it will knit with knitting needles no knitting needles. 4 jersey point, alternating the color of the stripes exactly as on the back side.
Knit 6 rows, in row 5 will be added from both sides by 1 stitch = 42 stitches.
Then will knit 6 rows straight. In randul 7 din ambele parti se dauga cate 1 stitch = 44 stitches.

Follow 8 straight rows, 6 rows- first of all adding 1 stitch from both sides = 46 stitches. 2 straight rows, 6 rows- in row 3 adding each 1 stitch from both sides = 48 stitches. 2 straight rows, 6 rows- in row 5 adding each 1 stitch from both sides = 50 stitches. 8 straight rows, in row 9 is added from both sides by 1 stitch = 52 stitches. 8 straight rows.

Next up are the decreases in stitches: It will be subtracted from both sides by 1 stitch x 8 in each row = 36 stitches.
Then, every 2nd row will be incide from both sides by 2 stitches x 7 = 8 stitches.
The remaining stitches are closed in the next front row.
finishing: The shoulder seam is made.
Collar: On the andrels no. 3, with light pink thread, mounts from the edge of the front straight side 36 stitches, on the edge of the back part 23 stitches, on the edge of the left front slope 36 stitches = 95 stitches.

The collar will knit lazy point, row 1 with light pink thread, row 2 and 3 with bright green thread, row 4 with light pink thread, after that the stitches are closed on the front side.
Edge with flywheels: On the andrels no. 3, with green thread, mounts on the edge of the collar 5 stitches, on the edge of the front straight side 50 stitches, on the edge of the back part 67 stitches, on the edge of the front left side 50 stitches, on the edge of the collar 5 stitches = 177 stitches.
It will knit elastic 1 x 1 (1 back eye, 1 eye girl, the last eye being the back eye).

Knitting two rows, will change the thread, knitting is 1 row with light pink thread. The next row will knit with light green thread. Stitches will knit as presented until the last 5 stitches, 2 stitches together face, 1 life, 3 stitches as it presents. May knit as 1 row, then 2 rows with light pink thread: 1 straight row. In the next row: * 1 ochi two, add 1 eye from the front eye, 1 ochi two*, repeat *-* until the end of the row = 265 stitches

With bright green thread, knit row 1: * 2 dos eyes, 1 front eye*. Row 2: 1 back eye, *1 front eye, from the next eye add 1 front eye, 1 purl stitch* = 353 stitches. All eyes are closed.
The sleeve seams and the side seams are made. The button is sewn.


2 thoughts on “Striped bolero for girls

  1. To this! I recently found this wonderful site. Congratulations for what you are doing! I want to knit and I this bolero for my little girl, only I need some advice from you. The material I want to make it is cotton 100 % and I do not know how many stitches to start. I have tried with 67 and it's too wide. Excuse me I'm a beginner. Thank you !

  2. In each article I strive to present the basic information, namely: Knitted pattern and density.
    Make the pattern of the clothes according to the dimensions of the girl. On the label of the thread with which you will knit bolero you have information: x stitches x y rows = 10×10 cm. Based on this information and on the basis of the print calculate the number of stitches, number of rows, etc..
    if the thread is acrylic, of the total number of stitches subtract 10. It's nothing complicated.

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