Openwork knitted blouse

Openwork knitted blouse

Openwork knitted blouseA female article of clothing.
size : S;
Necessary materials:
200g fir Nako Lady;
Andrele no. 4.5;
Crochet no. 3.
The basic model:
Row 1: all front stitches;
Row 2 and all even rows: purl all stitches;
Row 3: 2 front stitches, * live, he takes a look at Andrea without knitting, 2 stitches together front, the taken eye is crossed over the resulting one, life, 1 front eye, repeat from* to the end of the row.
Repeat rows 1-4.
Knitting explanation:
Face: Mount on needle 7 stitches. The eyes close in a circle.
Row 1: (1 front eye, 1 life) x 6, 1 knit stitch = 13 stitches.
It will knit round-trip according to the scheme.
Row 2 and all even rows: purl all stitches;
Row 3: edge eyes, (1 life, 3 front stitches, 1 life)x3, edge eyes.
Rows 5-27 are knit according to the scheme.
It will knit by scheme until row 55, simultaneously adding from both sides 1 eye in each row 23 times.
The added stitches will knit with jersey point until the end of the scheme, after which it will knit the basic pattern.
Row 56: purl all stitches.

Next will knit the basic pattern 32 cm, after which the eyes close.
Scheme knitted hemstitch blouse
Spate: Mount on knitting needles 78 stitches and knit the basic pattern 38 cm.
In the next front row, for cutting the sleeves, close from both sides in each row 1 eye 21 times.
After 57 cm knit from the first row, all eyes close.

Sleeve: Mount on knitting needles 60 stitches and knit the basic pattern 2 cm. In the next front row, close from both sides in each row by 1 eye 23 times.
After 15 cm knitted from the first row, all eyes close.

finishing: The side seams and sleeve seams are done.
The edge of the neckline will be finished in the following way:
Row 1: 1 leg without jeteu, *omit 1 cm, 1 foot with 2 jeteuri, 1 leg without jeteu, repeat from * (the 2-jeteuri feet form an arch).
Row 2: 3 pico in each arcade, 1 connecting foot in the foot without jeteu.
In this way, the edges of the neckline sleeves and the bottom edge of the blouse will also be finished.


2 thoughts on “Openwork knitted blouse

  1. Hello,
    I would like to knit this blouse, but the model is missing the legend. Can you help me?
    Thanks so much and I wish you a good day.


  2. white square- girl's eye, o- life, !\ – 2 stitches together face to the left, /! – 2 stitches together face to the right, the sign like an arrow – 3 stitches together front (is taken on andreaua work 1 stitch without knitting, 2 stitches together face. The eye taken is passed over the eye resulting from knitting the least 2 stitches together). Black Square – missing eyes that you do not take into account when knitting the model. It is used to not 'deform’ Scheme.

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