style knitted beret

Stylish knitted beret

bereta tricotata cu stilThe stylish knitted beret is a popular accessory for the cold season.
Cranial circumference: 48.5cm;
Necessary materials:
100 g fir Classic Wool (100% lana; 205 m/100 g);
Circular needles no. 4 and no. 5 with a length of 40 cm;
A helping hand for the torsade pattern
Knit density: 19 stitches x 25 rows = 10 x 10 cm;

Knitting explanation:
It is mounted on anchors no. 4- 99 stitches. The marker is fixed at the beginning of the row and the work is closed in a circle.
Row 1 and 2: *4 front stitches, 1 back eye, [2 front stitches, 1 back eye] x2; repeat from * to the end of the circular row;
Row 3: *К4F, 1 back eye, [2 front stitches, 1 back eye] x2; repeat from * to the end of the circular row;.
Rows 4-6: *4 front stitches, 1 back eye, [2 front stitches, 1 back eye] x2; repeat from * to the end of the circular row;.
Rows 7-13: repeat rows 3-6 once and rows 3-5 once again.
Row 14: *1 front eye, 1 back eye, 2 front stitches, add 1 front stitch, 1 back eye, [2 front stitches, 1 back eye] x2; repeat from * until the end of the circular row = 108 stitches.

Next will knit with knitting needles no.5.
Rows 1-3: 1 front eye, 2 purl stitches, 2 face marks, 6 purl stitches, *2 front stitches, 2 purl stitches, 2 front stitches, 6 purl stitches; repeat from * circular to the last eye, 1 front eye
Row 4: 5 stitches face, 6 purl stitches, [6 stitches face, 6 purl stitches] knit circularly to the last stitch, 1 front eye.
Row 5: *К4F, 1 front eye, 6 purl stitches, 1 front eye; repeat from * to the end of the circular row;.
Row 6: [4 front stitches, 8 purl stitches] knit circular; take the marker, knit 1 knit stitch and fix the marker again to start a new circular row.
Row 7: 3 front stitches, 8 purl stitches, [4 front stitches, 9 purl stitches] knit circularly to the last stitch, 1 front eye.
Row 8: *2 purl stitches, КF, 6 purl stitches, КB; repeat from * to the end of the circular row.
Row 9: *2 purl stitches, 2 front stitches, 6 purl stitches, 2 front stitches; repeat from * to the end of the circular row.
Row 10: *2 purl stitches, С3F, 4 purl stitches, С3B; repeat from * to the end of the circular row.
Row 11: Purl 3 stitches, 2 front stitches, [4 purl stitches, 2 front stitches] knit circularly to the last stitch, 1 back eye.
Row 12: Purl 3 stitches, С3F, purl stitches, С3B, *4 purl stitches, С3F, purl stitches, С3B; repeat from * to the last stitch, 1 back eye.
Row 13: 4 purl stitches, 2 front stitches, 2 purl stitches, 2 front stitches, *6 purl stitches, 2 front stitches, 2 purl stitches, 2 front stitches; repeat from * to the last 2 stitches
петель, 2 purl stitches
Row 14: 4 purl stitches, К3F, К3B, *6 purl stitches, К3F, К3B; repeat from the * lurking to the last 2 stitches, 2 purl stitches
Row 15: 4 purl stitches, 6 front stitches, [6 purl stitches, 6 front stitches] knit circular until the last 2 stitches, 2 purl stitches.
Rows 16-18: 4 purl stitches, *2 front stitches, 2 purl stitches, 2 front stitches, 6 purl stitches; repeat from * to the last 8 stitches, [2 front stitches, 2 purl stitches] x2.
Row 19: 4 purl stitches, 1 front eye, К4F, 1 front eye, *6 purl stitches, 1 front eye, К4F, 1 front eye; repeat from * to the last 2 stitches, 2 purl stitches
Row 20: 4 purl stitches, 6 front stitches, [6 purl stitches, 6 front stitches] repeat from * to the last 2 stitches, 2 purl stitches.
Row 21: 5 purl stitches, 4 front stitches, [8 purl stitches, 4 front stitches] knit circular until the last 3 stitches, Purl 3 stitches.
Row 22: 4 purl stitches, С3B, C3F, *6 purl stitches, С3B, C3F; repeat from * to the last 2 stitches, 2 purl stitches.
Row 23: 4 purl stitches, *2 front stitches, 2 purl stitches, 2 front stitches, 6 purl stitches; ; repeat from * to the last 8 stitches, [2 front stitches, 2 purl stitches] x2.
Row 24: Purl 3 stitches, C3B, 2 purl stitches, C3F, *4 purl stitches, С3B, 2 purl stitches, С3F; repeat from * to the last stitch, 1 back eye.
Row 25: Purl 3 stitches, 2 front stitches, [4 purl stitches, 2 front stitches] knit circularly to the last stitch, 1 back eye.
Row 26: *2 purl stitches, С3B, 4 purl stitches, С3F; repeat from * to the end of the row.
Row 27: *2 purl stitches, 2 front stitches, 6 purl stitches, 2 front stitches; repeat from * to the end of the circular row; take the marker, knit 1 knit stitch and fix the marker again to start a new circular row.

Row 28: *К3В, 6 purl stitches, К3F; repeat from * to the end of the circular row.
Rows 29-32: 3 front stitches, 6 purl stitches, [6 front stitches, 6 purl stitches] knit circular until the last 3 stitches, 3 front stitches.
Row 33: 3 front stitches, 6 purl stitches, [6 front stitches, 6 purl stitches] knit up to the last 3 stitches, 3 front stitches; take the marker, knit 3 knit stitches and fix the marker again to start a new circular row.

The top of the beret:
Row 34: *2 purl stitches together, 2 purl stitches, 2 purl stitches together, К6F; repeat from * to the end of the circular row; = 90 stitches.
Rows 35-37: [4 purl stitches, 6 front stitches] to the end of the row.
Row 38: *2 purl stitches together, 2 purl stitches, 6 front stitches; repeat from * to the end of the circular row; = 81 stitches.
Row 39: [Purl 3 stitches, 6 front stitches] to the end of the row.
Row 40: *3 purl stitches, 1 front eye, 2 knit stitches together x2, 1 front eye; repeat from * to the end of the circular row; = 63 stitches.
Row 41: [Purl 3 stitches, К4F] to the end of the row.
Rows 42 – 43: [Purl 3 stitches, 4 front stitches] to the end of the row.
Row 44: *2 purl stitches together, 1 back eye, 4 front stitches; repeat from * to the end of the circular row; = 54 stitches.
Row 45: [2 purl stitches, К4F] to the end of the row.
Row 46: [2 purl stitches, 4 front stitches] to the end of the row.
The working thread is cut and left an end of 20 cm long. The end of the thread is passed through the remaining stitches. The thread is tightened and fixed on the back side.

Conventional signs:
КF – take 1 eye on the helpful andreaua, andrea before the work, 1 front eye, front eye on the helpful needle.
КB – take 1 eye on the helpful andreaua, andreaua after the work, 1 front eye, front eye on the helpful needle.
КЗF – take 2 stitches on the helpful needle andreaua, andrea before the work, 1 front eye, front those 2 stitches on the helpful needle andreaua.
К3B – take 1 eye on the helpful andreaua, andreaua after the work, 2 front stitches, front eye on the helpful needle.
К4F – take 2 stitches on the helpful needle andreaua, andrea before the work, 2 front stitches, front those 2 stitches on the helpful needle andreaua.
К6F – take 2 stitches on the helpful needle andreaua, andrea before the work, 3 front stitches, front those 3 stitches on the helpful needle andreaua.
С3F – take 2 stitches on the helpful needle andreaua, andrea before the work, 1 back eye, front those 2 stitches on the helpful needle andreaua.
C3B – take 1 eye on the helpful andreaua, andreaua after the work, 2 front stitches, dos eye on the helpful needle andreaua.


2 thoughts on “Stylish knitted beret

  1. Very nice model, congratulations Mrs. Nina, you are a true professional, few people can create these masterpieces !!!!!

    Thank you!

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